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  1. Hi there, We have a pallet of Oslo Apothek 750 mL bottles at our warehouse in North Portland that we'd like to get off our hands. Local pickup, otherwise FOB 97227. 1001 bottles @ $1.59/ea. $1591.59 for the pallet. Thanks, Seth
  2. @indyspirits and @bluestar, I followed your recommendations and got some stuff that turns into 1% milk at the mere suggestion of cold water. Very nice, thank you. However my solids to spirit ratio was, um, akin to a tincture, so I think that was part of it; I just couldn't handle another defeat.
  3. My approach is usually to get out what I can and leave the flask on the hot mantle until it gets crispy.
  4. Hi Foreshot, thanks for the reply. I'm still not getting much louching even well below 45 and very cold. Indyspirits, thanks so much for the tip. I'm going to work on collecting some tails. Just so I'm understanding you correctly, are you recommending re-distilling the tails? If so, is this just to capture more of the oils?
  5. Hello, I've made a batch of absinthe that tastes great. My main issue with it though is that I can't get it to louche. The process was typical: infusion, re-distillation, dilution, coloring. Proof at distillation was ~140. I followed a traditional recipe of wormwood, aniseed, and fennel (a ton of the latter – highest solid:liquid ratio yet). Can someone guide me through techniques to get the absinthe to louche? Thanks, Gerald
  6. Does anyone know if it's possible to have three non-contiguous DSPs? If so, must they all exist within the same ten-mile radius, or can the second location serve as the center of the radius for the third? In short, I'd love to see the specific regulations around non-contiguous DSPs if anyone knows where they are. Thanks!
  7. I'm trying to proof liqueurs using Table 6 from the gauging manual, but instead of water, I'm using a sugar/water solution. Does the presence of sugar affect the dilution rate? This seems like a common enough scenario that the TTB might address it, but all I see in the gauging manual is for binary solutions of ethanol and water. If the presence of sugar in the diluent renders Table 6 useless, what strategies are people using to dilute alcohol with sugar syrup?
  8. I have a lot of information about Stillhouse, but I know little about Whiskey Systems. I'd love to hear from someone who either (a) has used both or (b) uses Whiskey Systems and can speak to its performance with regard to inventory management, TTB reporting, accounting (esp. QuickBooks integration), and any bells or whistles like an employee time clock. Also, does anyone know the price of Whiskey Systems?
  9. Thank you so much for all of your information here. I'm trying to square your claim here ^^ with this clause: 27CFR1.1.95: Distillers, rectifiers, and other permittees engaged in the sale or other disposition of distilled spirits for nonindustrial use shall not sell or otherwise dispose of distilled spirits in bulk (other than alcohol) for industrial use, unless such distilled spirits are shipped or delivered directly to the industrial user thereof. My interpretation of this is that a holder of a basic permit can sell bulk alcohol for industrial use, as long as they ship the alcohol directly to the industrial user. Do you have a different perspective on it? I'd rather not amend my DSP for industrial if possible; this clause makes it seems like maybe this is possible? Let me know what you think. Thanks.
  10. Thank you for the response. I've been doing some digging into the CFR and it seems to support what you're saying. Here are a couple relevant clauses: 27CFR1.1.95: Distillers, rectifiers, and other permittees engaged in the sale or other disposition of distilled spirits for nonindustrial use shall not sell or otherwise dispose of distilled spirits in bulk (other than alcohol) for industrial use, unless such distilled spirits are shipped or delivered directly to the industrial user thereof. 27CFR1.17.142(b): If a manufacturer of nonbeverage products is owned and operated by the same business entity that owns and operates a distilled spirits plant, the manufacturer's claim for drawback may be filed for credit on Form 2635 (5620.8). After the claim is approved, the distilled spirits plant may use the claim as an adjustment decreasing the taxes due in Schedule B of TTB Form 5000.24, Excise Tax Return. Adjustments resulting from an approved drawback claim are not subject to interest. This procedure may be utilized only if the manufacturer of nonbeverage products and the distilled spirits plant have the same employer identification number.
  11. I operate a beverage DSP. I'm looking to sell spirits to a manufacturer of vanilla extract. They don't have a DSP. Can I sell them drums of alcohol? If so, what are the labeling requirements? Obviously the spirits would have to be taxpaid since this wouldn't be a transfer in bond. If you're interested in knowing how the rest of the process would work, the extract producer would submit a non-beverage formula to the TTB, create the extract according to said formula, then apply for a drawback, in which case they would receive reimbursement for the excise tax (minus $1 per proof gallon). I would greatly appreciate any help. The TTB has been wholly unhelpful.
  12. I frequently wish to use ingredients that are not listed anywhere in CFR 21 (and yes, I know all the query tricks to find weirdly labeled entries). I've always assumed that not finding an ingredient in a GRAS list constitutes a dead end, but I recently noticed this on a ttb.gov page: Does anyone here have experience using this loophole? If so, how did you make the case to the TTB formulation agent that your ingredient was safe? Does anyone here have any other insight about using non-GRAS-list ingredients?
  13. I'm working on a product that I would like to be vibrant green (not absinthe, for the record, but this seems like the most appropriate place to discuss it). As has been discussed elsewhere, a stable green is hard to obtain as it normally turns brownish in a short period of time. This is not necessarily the case with blue and yellow pigments, however. What I'd like to do is use saffron and cornflowers or butterfly pea flowers as a way to get green. The problem is that neither of the blue flowers are GRAS. Does anyone know of a natural + GRAS source of blue pigment? On a separate note, which I'm also posting elsewhere as a new topic, is there a way to use non-GRAS ingredients that have a history of use? There seems to be a nebulous loophole... What's up with this?^^
  14. Thank you everyone! This has been extremely helpful.
  15. Thank you both for the help. I'm gonna sit with it a while to make sense of it, but I have one more immediate question. What happens if the TTB detects an unacceptable thujone content in my sample? Do they close the formula application or just return it for corrections? Do either of you know any strategies for reducing the guesswork in determining thujone content before sending it to the TTB, or is it entirely trial and error? Obviously the thujone content of a given specimen is variable so that seems to preclude any predictive thujone management. On the other hand I'm not aware of any ways to measure thujone content without gas chromatography. Maybe I could buy some relatively pure thujone to acquaint myself with the aroma.
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