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Everything posted by Dismal

  1. It will depend on the liqueur and the botanicals. For example, the bitter flavor components in Amaro don't come across in distillation. Check out this article: https://www.bostonapothecary.com/deconstructing-campari/. Check out that whole site. Many great experiments around re-distilling liqueur and infusions vs distillation.
  2. I found some very interesting technical resources that are relevant here. Pharmaceutical compounding syrups technology is very relevant. I found this great presentation that discusses how to preserve a syrup via water/alcohol vs sugar concentrations (starts on page 64) and general syrup technical goodness: https://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/academics/rmansour/uploads/Pharmaceutics/Solutions.pptx Great free Sugar Technology textbook: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781444314748 I found the exercises in Appendix B particularly helpful. Table starting on page 31: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/TechnicalProceduresManual[1].pdf Cool calculator: https://www.vinolab.hr/calculator/gravity-density-sugar-conversions-en19
  3. I'm not done yet but wanted to update progress. First let me add that my botanical bill has a few unusual botanicals in it so all past experience may not be applicable here. I extracted each botanical individually and added sugar to each. One botanical, Star Anise clouded up immediately. The rest stayed clear. I experimented with Anise and Fennel as substitutes. Each remained clear with added sugar but Fennel was a better match for my recipe. As mentioned, I was not able to get the Baker's Sugar nut I was able to get a good sized sample of low color, metals and turbidity liquid sugar from Indiana Sugars which is ideal. I ran a batch using the Indiana Syrup and Flocculation occurred quickly even after running it through a haze filter. For filtering I followed up on Foreshot's suggestion of using the Borosilicate cartridge filter. I spoke with TCW and they were very helpful. My development batch size is small (1 liter) so the TWC filter is not appropriate yet. To test the approach I used vacuum filtering with paper disk filters. Here are links to the parts I use: Borosilicate Glass Microfiber Filter Paper, 1.1 Micron Buchner funnel Pump Flask The paper filter is an imperfect fit to the Buchner so being super careful to make sure your seal is as good as possible is important. The results were impressive, much clearer. But I still got flocculation after a while, even with the high quality syrup. Lastly I chill filtered the final product. I put the product in the freezer for hours and ran it through the Buchner in my refrigerator. So far this seems to be the key. Absolutely clear. Time will tell if flocculation occurs. My b=botanical concentration was too high in the experiments above so those experiments are worst case scenarios. I have a batch in process now at what I beleive will be the final botanical concentration, using ordinary crystal sugar and using chill filtering with the borosilicate filter paper. Fingers crossed and i will report back when I have results.
  4. The Silica bit is interesting. I read that it's used sparingly in beer because it inhibits the head for the same reason that it inhibits floc. Next I'm running an experiment using Baker's sugar (per SCLabGuy) and borosilicate glass, 1 micron filter (per Foreshot). I'll report results.
  5. This is good information. Thanks all. I'm also looking into terpenes/esters for their contribution. I've isolated one of my botanicals as the culprit of a haze I've been chasing. The botanicals haze immediately whereas what I'm discussing here develops in weeks/months. I'm focussed on sugar's contribution. Here's an article discussing the phenomena: https://www.eatortoss.com/single-post/2019/03/17/the-case-of-the-uninvited-wisp-in-the-honey-liqueur Here's a peer-reviewed paper that goes deep: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Sugarcane-cells-as-origin-of-acid-beverage-floc-in-Lima-Tessmer/0d9e9261e888c16df5e5575507efbc47ed80c758 I found sugar products that are designed to address this: https://www.dominospecialtyingredients.com/b2b-product-sku/lcmt-invert-syrup https://www.sugars.com/products-sugar-and-sweetener/bottlers-sugar/ https://unitedsugars.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cordial-sugar-7-15-20.pdf I haven't yet found a supplier of such a product that has a minimum order quantity that's less than a tanker truck but I'm still looking. In the mean time one of the producers is sending me a pail of their product to test. I'll report the results.
  6. I'm looking for the tradeoffs between the various forms of sugar in liqueur production. Sucrose vs. dextrose vs. invert vs high-fructose corn syrup vs ... Does one or the other - Contribute to clarity more/less? - Crystalize? - Interact with botanical extracts to form haze or particulate or condensate? I'm developing liqueurs and using white sugar and making my own syrup for development. I'm getting snot, sediment and haze. I filter extracts down to 2 micron. I'm being systematic exploring combinations of sugar concentration, ABV and botanicals concentration but I'm not seeing correlations to haze and snot. In some cases the snot forms fast, in others it takes weeks/months. I'm adding a picture for reference. This has been agitated a bit. When not agitated the snot look more like clouds or strands than the blobs in this picture. All input appreciated. IMG_8018.HEIC
  7. I DM'ed you regarding the Lenticular filters. Let's talk. Thanks for the info.
  8. Any filter vendor recommendations? I'm starting a distillery and am looking to establish a relationship with a manufacturer/distributor. I need first to figure out what my needs are and then buy the right gear. I've tried contacting Ertel Alsop but was surprised that after a few tries I have not been able to get them to respond to me. What other vendors are good? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
  9. Thank you SCD. Does anyone have particularly good experience with any flavoring/coloring houses?
  10. I'm looking for techniques for the use of Carmine and Cochineal coloring in spirits. I find a lot of discussion about the fact that cochineal is used and I find carmine products for beverage industry in general but nothing on HOW to use it to color alcoholic beverages. My application is Amari. What form of Carmine is appropriate? How is it introduced in the process? Added to the maceration? Distillate? Syrup? Dilution water?
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