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  1. We are currently just using spreadsheets for inventory tracking and batch tracking. We would like to move to something with more details as we are growing. We use TTB tamer for reporting and that has been good but doesn't do inventory. What software are you all using and what is your experience with the software? Any plus or minuses about the software? Thanks
  2. Meerkat, thanks for the reply. I tried to use the AlcoDens LQ but wasn't successful and then got lost in the world of calculations and formulas leading me to where I am at. I think you are right as I am looking at it from a different direction. What I will do is reach out to you again after I purchase the AlcoDens LQ so I can nail this process down with the software and the spreadsheet. Thanks for posting a reply!
  3. We are developing flavored vodkas and are using Sugar to help sweeten the spirits. What I am trying to find is a good method to calculate ABV of the vodka after blending sugar. I have found a few different values referencing volume changes when adding sugar. What I am needing is to understand when adding sugar to a base vodka how ABV and volume is changed. Here is what I have now from research but just questioning it before moving forward. 1kg=2.20lb=629ml 5L or 5000ml 80proof Vodka (2000ml alcohol) Total Volume of Spirit after Sugar added = 5.62L or 5629ml 2000ml/5629ml= .3553 So if I were to add 2.20lbs of sugar to 5000ml of 80proof vodka that would give me an ABV or 35.53% Does this look correct, any issues seen?
  4. We are looking into creating a line of flavored vodka for a local restaurant at their request. Any tips or tricks others have learned. Are others just using extracts or adding other sweeteners? What company has the best flavors for vodka or neutral spirits.
  5. I have been approved for TIB from MPG but they are needing the actual form with the approval. I looked in my permits and see its approved but cant find the physical form with approval MGP is requesting. Anyone know where I can find them?
  6. We have seen a few posts on used barrels and reached out with no luck. We are looking to purchase used barrels 10gal to 55gal that would still be good to hold spirits in. Not looking for new as we have a supplier for that. 1 time use would be ideal. If you have some to sell, send us and email: bismarckdistillery@gmail.com Thanks
  7. Sent an email your way, we are interested in purchasing some barrels.
  8. We are expanding to a new location and I am planning our new bar in the tasting room. What are some must haves that you or your bartenders use or wish they had? Also what things did you think were a must have that ended up wasting space?
  9. So after some digging, reading and a few calls. here is what I have come up with for a 100% wheat vodka mash. Are there anything adjustments that I should make or is this inline with what others have seen or done? Thanks for all your help!! 15bbl batch 1200lbs Raw Wheat DistilaZyme BG DistilaZyme AA Mash 160 for 2hrs Pitch HT yeast at 90F and then follow up with GA and Nutrient at 2 hrs.
  10. @Silk City Distillers Thank you for your reply. I have access to raw wheat and would like to know how to others use raw wheat In a mash. I have never worked with raw ingredients in a mash so would someone be able to help me or point me to some documents to help me gain knowledge so I can do a vodka mash with raw wheat?
  11. We plan on creating a malted white wheat vodka. Plan to use 60-75% wheat and 25-40% malted barley (we have not finalized the exact ratio). We plan to use 100lb Rice hulls in the mash to help filtration and have the mash temp around 145-148. Do any of you have any suggestion or things to watch out for when doing a higher malted wheat grain bill? Would would like to go to 100% wheat but dont have much information on steps for that. So anything you all could help with would be great. Thanks
  12. Question: Do all labels for sprits need to be approved through COLAs? Reason for Question: I have seen many craft distillers posts of Facebook with their bottles and they dont seem to meet the requirements that I have had to do on my labels to get the approved through COLAs. Such as Alc by Vol or specific statements on the front and a few more things I have seen. Is it a must to have every label approved before selling? This may be a difficult question to answer on a forum so if you would like to direct email me with your thoughts or experiences that would help me out a ton. Thanks Bismarckdistillery@gmail.com
  13. Your bottles gone? We would be interested if you still have them.
  14. So we are just about to start distilling and doing stripping runs. My question is how do other distillers report stripping runs? Are they considered Proof gallons or is proof gallons reported only the finished spirit run product that goes into the cask or bottles? Any help would be great, Thanks
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