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Brady Benware

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Everything posted by Brady Benware

  1. Hi Everyone! I'm doing research in Artificial Intelligence and have recently become fascinated by the beverage alcohol industry. After speaking with a half dozen distilleries and breweries in the Portland Oregon area, I learned that TTB regulations are very hard to understand. And, I hear it's a big problem for newcomers and innovators in the industry. I also learned that quite a few folks in the industry were turning to AI, specifically ChatGPT, for answers. ChatGPT can produce really useful answers, but can also produce very convincing wrong answers. To better understand how AI can help industry members like you better understand how regulations apply to their specific situation, we built ChatTTB. It's an AI trained specifically on title 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations (the TTB stuff). It produces useful answers like ChatGPT, but also validates that information with the CFRs and provides specific citations to the regulations so you can validate the accuracy. We'd love to learn more about how the industry is using AI and if this new ChatTTB system is helpful or not. If you want to see some example Q&A from the system, visit https://ttb.gptnow.ai/ If you want to ask it a question about your business, please use the following link: https://ttb.gptnow.ai/?token=rak-iWOigNa72B332q9oC4UbFBFinEmtqMmQzOIr8OOe2OVH Feel free to respond here with any feedback, or email us at support@gptnow.ai Cheers!
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