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Everything posted by jkrom

  1. Long story short, a good friend and I are thinking of jumping into the world of craft distilling and (eventually) leaving our soul-crushing corporate 9-5 life behind. This wasn't really something that was on our radar, but last week we saw an ad for a cheap building that we thought would make a perfect space for a distillery and tasting room. The discussions started as joking/daydreaming, but by the end of the day I was contacting a friend that works as a commercial realtor and was legitimately putting things in motion. We aren't committed to anything yet (and there is definitely some more due-diligence needed), but it's starting to look like we'll actually give this a go. I've done some home-brewing and even tried a little bit of spirits in the past, but neither one of us are experts even remotely (we all have to start somewhere, right?). We're thinking we would like to focus primarily on fruit brandies (lots of fruit options here in the mitten), and possibly rum and/or whisky - just about everything we're interested in would be pot-still based. First things first, the building structure will need extensive cleaning and rehab, but I'm also curious how much space might be required for production equipment, etc? If this location isn't really adequate, then the whole scheme might not make sense. Anyway, sorry for such naive and vague post. I have spent the last week reading a ton but still really wet behind the ears. I am planning to try to reach out and visit a bunch of current distilleries to get a feel for what we don't yet know. thanks, -Jim
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