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Posts posted by RRichard

  1. Hi, I'm in research and business plan writing phase of starting a micro-distillery here in south central Wisconsin. Learning about state and federal licensing, equipment needs, and site selection.

    Planning on vodka and rum. Whiskey, maybe even wheat bourbon later. As a bourbon lover, it's tough to think about making bourbon outside of Kentucky :)

    In reviewing TTB forms, it seems they require premise details on the plant. Reading federal approval takes the longest (more than state) time, 9 months hopefully, it seems I should find my plant location ASAP. No retail spot or tasting allowed on premises in WI.

    I currently own a search & staffing business located here in Janesville WI . BTW, will give hiring and firing advice gratis to distillery owners. www.rdwinc.com

    Other info: My wife is on board with the plan. Hopefully, I can pass the distillery down to my 2 children someday. I'm the state coordinator for Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty in Wisconsin.

    As a long time business owner, my micro-distillery strengths in a startup will be planning, working within regulations, and perseverance. My weaknessess include zero hands on experience and lack of appreciation of chemistry. On that note, I'm willing to work for a week or 2 for payment of some knowledge at any distilleries in the midwest, or elsewhere in the world.

    We have a wonderful micro brew in town - Gray's , and the closest existing micro distillery is Yahara Bay in Madison about 30 miles with a great new apple brandy.


    Rick Richard

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