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Everything posted by middleofnowhere

  1. Has anyone used old dairy equipment for all or part of their distillery? I'm mainly curious about using milk tanks for mash tuns and boilers. Any advice?
  2. That is small! Do you have a website, I wanna see this setup. Have you considered getting a 55 gallon SS drum for storage? Food grade ones are rather cheap, would take up less floor space, are stackable, and wouldn't break as easily.
  3. Why are you not running the tails in your next run?
  4. I like the idea of doing rye batches without enzymes. That said I've mainly just made beer. I'm also ok with using a certain portion distillers malt and raw rye to reach proper conversion/gravity. All that said, does anyone have any links for enzymes, either for sale or literature so I can make sense of what's out there?
  5. They also work super well for starting charcoal.
  6. What's the latest news out there? Who's got the best still?
  7. I'm really just interested in whiskey. I make ~200 gallons of beer each year on the homebrew level, so feel I have a decent handle on mashing and fermentation. That said I can always learn more. I also have some informal training with distilling. In short I'm not starting from scratch, and would like to know what courses folks have taken and/or recommend? Ideally they're on the western half of the US, but I'm all ears.
  8. I know the difference between the two, I'm curious if anyone has an opinion on the differences in flavor, or ideally has made similar batches with both malted and unmalted rye and compared the flavor for themselves. I'm penciling out some recipes right now; malted rye is certainly easier to work with, but is obviously more expensive.
  9. They work very well for mold. Much better than vinegar or bleach.
  10. For those following this post, medallion labs recommend I visit www.michellewrightconsulting.com for their services. They said call back if I don't get what I want.
  11. Do you have any contact information or a website for them?
  12. After looking into this for a few months, I've come up pretty empty handed. Anyone know of a lab where I can get a test like this done?
  13. This is a good start. http://www.brew365.com/mash_sparge_water_calculator.php
  14. As my screen name suggests, I'm out in the middle of nowhere Nevada. I'm interested in getting a commercial permit, but just making alcohol for personal consumption and gifts. There seems to be no other legal way to do this. Anyone have any recommendations?
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