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100L Glass Stills

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Someone is selling some 100L glass stills on the forum, I posted a reply but they deleted it, so here it is again.

As someone that has followed this forum for years I know a lot of folks rely on this forum for good advice- I'd hate to see someone miss important advice that could get them into financial trouble, or worse...

1) 3" diameter packed columns are going to have limited output rates, if the equipment cost 10-20K it might be viable, but much more than that and pay off period just isn't worth it.

2) Lab glass is relatively easy to come buy if you know where to look. There are also a number of lab glass blowers throughout the country that will build custom equipment, including stills, for a fair price. From my experience a brand new custom made 3" Pyrex glass column still shouldn't run more than 20-30K. One could put one together for much less by looking on Ebay and various industrial surplus places for used glass - there is a ton of it out there.

3) A basic Kothe bubble cap still can be had for around $60K- and will have a much better flow rate and produce a more refined product. Make sure you read in the forums about packed columns versus bubble caps.

3) Do your research. If you want a glass still call some lab glass makers. Most cities with any chemical/pharm industry will have a local Lab glass blower. They are often really cool folks who are very willing to work with you.

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Interesting comment...

It does say the stills are located in Denver- and I see your name is "Denver Distiller" is there a possible connection here?

No, not all. And i haven't the foggiest idea as to who is selling this still set up...I have no connection tot the seller, the equipment, or anything else.

I'm just a bit dismayed that someone deleted your advice, for what I would think are obvious reasons.

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If anyone is looking for an electric still, Vendome Copper and Brass works sells a small (30gal I think) oil bath system for ~$30k (if I remember correctly) and it is made of copper which reacts out sulfates. In my opinion it is a niffty little system. A glass column will also require some form of copper catalyst bed to clean up the sulfates, unless your rectifying something clean like GNS.

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The stills are coming out of the Colorado Pure operation. We are upgrading to a different type. The ad has since been removed by some one and it wasn't me the poster.

You are entitled to your opinion and advise but you specifically targeted my ad. I would think the proper place for your advice is not in the classifieds.

Thank you

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If anyone is looking for an electric still, Vendome Copper and Brass works sells a small (30gal I think) oil bath system for ~$30k (if I remember correctly) and it is made of copper which reacts out sulfates. In my opinion it is a niffty little system. A glass column will also require some form of copper catalyst bed to clean up the sulfates, unless your rectifying something clean like GNS.

Hass anyone tried the Vendome unit yet? It looked real nice and could be dialled in to precision with the controls but I wonder how often the column needed to be removed and cleaned, and how difficult it is to do. I assume it is a packed column?

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