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RTDs and other brand/revenue extensions

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Good morning, 

I sold my distillery and our own RTD canned cocktail, Disco Lemonade, about 6 years ago. Since then, I've been fortunate to launch over 50 brands for my clients and partners working with innovative brands and revenue extensions of their own. 

I've launched canned/bottled cocktails, "boozy" popsicles, single shot "K-cups", and N/A bulk cocktail mixers (in highly regulated areas). I've also launched non-alc projects like hop-infused teas, sparkling flavored waters, and "better for you" functional sodas. 

I'm essentially a fractional COO that can take an idea and execute through my network of flavor formulators, co-packers, packaging design, packaging production, distributors, brokers, and strategic partners. 

If you'd like to talk to me and set up a time to brainstorm about some revenue extensions for your own brand, I'm always excited to hop on the line. 

Text me at 315-506-5084 to set up a time. 

Ben Reilley 

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