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Is it really necessary to have approval of stuff placed for sale on the forum? I can understand the initial sentiment that the privilege should be somewhat exclusive to ADI members and that content should be appropriate/relevant. However, the more content on the forum, the more traffic, and the more useful it is to everyone. If the item is irrelevant (spam aside), it won't sell, and those posters will eventually move on. Having a policy of pre-approval or a fee based system seems draconian and unenforceable.

Curious how the members feel on this.


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Is it really necessary to have approval of stuff placed for sale on the forum? I can understand the initial sentiment that the privilege should be somewhat exclusive to ADI members and that content should be appropriate/relevant. However, the more content on the forum, the more traffic, and the more useful it is to everyone. If the item is irrelevant (spam aside), it won't sell, and those posters will eventually move on. Having a policy of pre-approval or a fee based system seems draconian and unenforceable.

Curious how the members feel on this.



This really only applies to people selling big pieces of distilling equipment.

Small listing from small vendor are free. They should, however, join ADI and support

our effort to educate the public about craft distilling

bill owens

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I agree will Bill.

It is a great way to generate revenues to maintain and pay for this FORUM and I don't see why non paying forum members should have the same previliges as ADI paying members?

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Thank you Bill for the quick clarification.

Jonathan - I disagree. This forum is meant to serve the members of the forum with content about the legal distilling industry, not content about the American Distilling Institute. Irregardless of what it is part of, the content is what defines the forum. And easily 95% of content on this forum is regarding equipment, technique, marketing, etc....it's not limited to ADI only information as your post implies. If the original intent was news about the ADI for the ADI, then that philosophy has long been abandoned with the addition of forum categories related to the distilling industry and the ability for non-paying ADI members to register and contribute.


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Scott, you may disagree, but it is the ADI forum...

Thank you Bill for the quick clarification.

Jonathan - I disagree. This forum is meant to serve the members of the forum with content about the legal distilling industry, not content about the American Distilling Institute. Irregardless of what it is part of, the content is what defines the forum. And easily 95% of content on this forum is regarding equipment, technique, marketing, etc....it's not limited to ADI only information as your post implies. If the original intent was news about the ADI for the ADI, then that philosophy has long been abandoned with the addition of forum categories related to the distilling industry and the ability for non-paying ADI members to register and contribute.


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Maybe a bit more of an advantage to all would be to limit it to only used items. If a distillery is upgrading and has items for sale, fine. But a manufacturer of new items would have to pay for commercial advertising. How's that sound?

Still fits needs and intent of the forum, to help and project the industry, but keeps the commercial spam down.

Just a thought.

And Scott- there's no such word as 'irregardless' ;)

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