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SINGLE MALT: It's time for TTB to finish the job

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Greetings from the American Single Malt Whiskey Commission. We want to thank you for your ongoing support for the category and our producers. While we do many things at the Commission to advance our cause, pushing for a formal definition in U.S. regulations for American Single Malt Whiskey has always been at the top of our priority list.

July 29th marked two years since TTB proposed a definition for American Single Malt. Two years! That is has taken them so long to complete the last step and publish a final rule is not only frustrating and dumbfounding but also increasingly damaging to the category. As whiskey distillers, we're necessarily practiced at the art of patience. But our patience has worn thin. It's time that our government starts working for us and not against us, particularly when the only action required is simply concluding a process that has already been more than eight years in the making.


We'd like to ask for you help again. While we have continued to call for action it's the voices of consumers and the whiskey trade that actually ring loudest at TTB. We have partnered with our friends at DISCUS—who have been steadfast supporters of our cause from the start—to appeal to TTB once more to finish the job. Together we have drafted an open letter to the director of TTB which is now available on the Spirits United platform. Please take a moment to add your name to the growing list of supporters calling on TTB to ratify a standard of identity for American Single Malt now.
Thank you all again for your ongoing support. 

Steve Hawley
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