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Sources for enzymes, chemicals

Guest Bobcat Hill

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Guest Bobcat Hill

I've called eight different "chemical suppliers" in my region and I've only found a supplier for citric acid and none for the rest on my list. Any recommendations? And does anyone have recommendations for a enzyme source?

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Specialty Enzyme and Biotechnologies is my enzyme supplier. I re package and ship in smaller quantities. How much do you need.

Also citric acid is commonly sold by food suppliers. I do believe that Country Malt Products carries it also.

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  • 6 months later...

We use Novozymes after having really bad results with White Labs. White Labs always had issues shipping to us at a reasonable pace, and I just dont get the same results with them as I do with Novozymes. Plus be careful with White Labs enzymes instructions, there are two to three different dosing instructions with each enzyme.

As far as chemicals, I go through Shepard Bros.


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