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Asia-based borosilicate custom glass bottle manufacturer?


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All - I could really use your help. We have a complex bottle design that needs to be made of durable, borosilicate glass. Milagro's tequila bottles, also made of borosilicate and a complex design are evidently made in China from what I hear but I can't find the actual manufacturer after hours of web searching. Does anyone have a suggestion for an ideally Asia-based (but willing to entertain other regions if need be) borosilicate glass design and manufacture firm? Thanks in advance!

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On Alibaba you will find hundreds of companies claiming to be able to do the job, but few capable. you will need to spend some time in China checking these places out before you can be sure.

what you pay for and what you get will be 2 very different things unless you are diligent in doing your homework.


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I tried two Chinese manufacturers. Both claimed they could pull off my bottle. Each had multiple chances and simply couldn't do it after months and months of trying. They got close, but they just don't have the same capabilities as the Europeans. In the end, I got Saver Glass to make the bottle. Costs twice as much as what the Chinese offered, but they can get it right. There is not much risk with most Chinese manufacturers. They don't hit you up too much for development costs. Just be prepared to spend a lot of time at it with them.

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Call me if you like and I can give you the contact information for the Chinese bottle manufacturers I tried. My bottle issue was very specific. They might be able to do better with your bottle. I can say the clarity of the glass was outstanding. Just as good as the European stuff. They just couldn't pull off the shape I wanted.


808 224 7505

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