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    Runnemede, NJ

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  1. Anyone do loose carbon polishing? If so, how much do you use per 10 gallons and how long do you let it sit? Do you siphon off or just pour it through some filter paper?
  2. CountySeat - which scale did you go with?
  3. I've already been in contact with Aaron about our bond a few months ago. I tried calling him again but he's on vacation until August 4th. I'm dealing with someone in his office until he comes back but I was just wondering if anyone else had the same problem.
  4. So here's a problem we've been running in to. This is our second attempt to secure a lease and the building owner claims his insurance company may not cover him for our business type. If we have to supply our own business and liquor liability insurance, what could possibly not be covered? Has anyone had this happen? I'm ready to bang my head against a wall!
  5. For those of you that do flavored vodkas or shines, where do you get your natural flavorings? What suppliers would you or would you not recommend?
  6. So are you rent free during those 4 months or are 4 months rent due at that time? If you're rent free, that's a good thing. $4,000 per month in rent is not. Especially if you have to pay $16,000 in deferred rent. Then think about how much you would have to sell just to cover the rent. Producing that amount of product would mean that small still running almost 24 hours a day, which you guys obviously dont have considering you're keeping your full time jobs. Sounds like I'm bursting your bubble. Sorry if I am...
  7. For those of you that have investors, do you mind discussing what type of agreements you have with them? Percentage of the business? Length of investment and return? Etc... We are a very small scale operation that is just starting to look for funding and appreciate any help in determining what a fair offer in would be. If you would prefer to keep it private, feel free to message me.
  8. Any idea what the prices are on the ProBins?
  9. I've seen the same thing around me, and when I submitted a floor plan to verify it was acceptable, I was given the same answer.
  10. Dont forget the cost to ship your product to NJ. Distributors here arent really looking to pick up the little guy either.
  11. I imagine the TTB isn't too keen on certain language on labels. A portion of a name for our rum is "bare ass". What are the chances this gets approved?
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