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Posts posted by william-bailey

  1. I'm looking to filter vodka through multiple filters before adding flavors but need guidance on what type of pump I need. I'm going from a 53 gallon barrel to a pump and then through multiple filters before being dumped into another barrel. I will be a small operation so it does not have to be super strong but need something to get the product through the filters. My main concern is sanitation since the alcohol will physically go through the pump. Do I need a special food grade pump or something? Will any pump from a hardware store do?

    Suggestions? Brands?

    Thanks guys!

  2. So our operation is about to get into vodkas and will focus on infused vodkas from fruits, nuts, etc. I know that very little fruit flavor will make it through the still but we plan to add fruit after distilling (along with sugar). We want to use real fruit to infuse vs using syrups or fruit concentrated juices (part of our marketing). I've done this (personally, not professionally) using pineapple with great success.

    Is this legal considering there is a post about maximum sugar allowances? Has anyone else done this? What TTB regulations or laws should I be worried about?

    Shelf life concerns even at 70 proof?


  3. Hi ADI members. New member and getting everything ready to submit plans to the TTB but I am doing my due diligence on other tasks involved in starting a distillery. Which U.S. based bottle supplier has the best customer service? We're not looking to get into mass production so relationships and service is important. We're based in SC. More than 80% of our product will be vodka and we're trying to be different with the bottle selection. Suggestions?

    As we select our bottles, we're trying to be educated in labeling equipment too so that as we grow, we can streamline our process with a labeler. Any suggestions?

    Thanks everyone! We've read a ton on these forums and you have taught us so much already!

    William (& gang)

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