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Paul G

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Everything posted by Paul G

  1. What utterly coincidental timing. Had my browser not crashed a half an hour ago, I'd have had the distinction of the first post from San Diego. Story of my life...always one step behind. Anyway, much congrats on the recent opening of the distillery! I've still got a significant way to go.
  2. Greetings all! Lots of familiar names and faces here...well, at least to me. I've been scouring the interwebs doing my due diligence and have crossed paths with many fora, website, and article bearing the names I see in this forum. It kinda gives me goosebumps thinking that I can actually converse with some of the people who have or are paving the way for the starry eyed would-be distiller. I'm currently in San Diego, CA. and from what I've been able to gather, the state of CA seems to be my biggest obstacle towards the completion of my goal of getting started. However, the intrepid souls behind Ballast Point Brewing have blazed a path to an arrangement nearly identical to what I have in mind, so it's not impossible. I'm looking to partner with a established micro brewer here in SD. He is pretty enthusiastic about it, too. If it works out, half the ordeal is already handled...location, zoning, brewing (mashing/lautering/fermenting/equipment), networking connections (distribution, TTB and so forth). To boot (and hoping desperately that I'm not counting too many chickens yet) I may also have an investor to help offset any start-up capital I'd otherwise have to hunt down and beg for. As for *my* initial goals: I'm concerned about market saturation of vodka, but it's the ubiquitous startup, doesn't-have-to-age, quick turnaround product. Still, I'm not one to reinvent the wheel. Then there's rum. I like rum. Rum makes me happy. So, why not share the happy? That's among the initial offerings short list. There will also be a rich, chewy aged dark rum if I can have my way, too. There's local sugar cane production, so a locally sourced rum might be well received. As San Diego is virtually the northern suburb of Tijuana, the temptation for an agave spirit exists. However, Skyrocket (a scant hour north of me) is already doing a bangup job at that. Perhaps in the future. Then, of course, comes whisk(e)y. Being partnered with a brewery makes this one a no-brainer...well, in theory. Taking a fine brew and making a fine dram is far from a no-brainer, but at least I've got a solid base to work from. I'm actually looking forward to concocting some peaty-malty goodness. I also have a fondness for whisky's odd cousin with the extra toe, bierschnaps. Hey look, beer...now let's have bierschnaps. I suspect that the public won't take to it as hungrily as more mainstream spirits, but what the heck? I'm of Norwegian descent (Mom's off-the-boat from Oslo) and I have a fondness for Aquavit. Then again, not many others do. It will still reside in the back of my mind as a potential product. Also, being in a somewhat wine-centric neck of the woods, grappa has potential. Seeing more and more varieties on the shelf, particularly a Trader Joe's store brand leaves me considering the possibilities. Similarly, I might be able to experiment with various cask finishes of other spirits due to to availability of used casks in the neighborhood. So, it's not like I've given it much thought or anything. Even if things don't work out with the brewery, I'm still pushing forward. I'm looking forward to conversing with the pros. Cheers, Paul
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