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Everything posted by Distiller

  1. Hey, Sorry to hear about your hip . If I was you, I would sell the distillery if somebody is willing to pay the price . As a distiller, I use to run 2 distilleries and I am doing this work now for almost 20 years and It still is hard working . I love it but if you have to run a small craft distillery , I am not sure if you can do this with a new hip . On the other hand, if you have somebody that can do the heavy work for you and you just have to give orders, why not keep it .
  2. Who am I ? I am a European based distiller with 20 years of experience and I have operated my own craft distillery for 15 year. What do I offer ? I have 20 years experience in designing and distilling spirits . Hundreds of products I have made from grain and fruit based materials to original liquors from the middle ages . I am used to take decisions, to work independent and: I have no problem to take the responsibility over a small or lager team . Making 100 % organic spirits for the highest marked segment with consumer friendly prices is for me the standard. What I am looking for ? PASSION !!!! It does not matter what you do in life put It has to be done with passion . So, I am looking for investors , existing distilleries that want to go the extra mile , enthusiastic people that want to build the distillery of the future . I am willing to start the distillery everywhere in the world . I am not homesick . So, if you are interested , please sent me a clear email ( differentdistiller@gmail.com) with a clear description: who you are and what you have to offer . Every email will be treated confidentially . So, just go for it, nothing to lose. update: to give some more information. The distillery will not only distill "traditional" but there will be done a lot of " cold distillation " / vacuum distillation
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