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rich phillips

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Everything posted by rich phillips

  1. We spent $5000 on a machine that is Italian (MEP?). We bought it from st. Pat's in Texas and though it has its quirks, it can label 600 bottles per hour. I've been told that no matter how much you spend, labelers are all a pain but once you figure them out you're good to go.
  2. We use the hot water outflow with a CIP system. Steam seems a bit too much for fermenters; more than a spray ball with hot water and mild caustic...
  3. We have 3000 square feet of which is set in thirds: Distilling room, Barrel room, a small tasting room and a packaging/bottling room The ceiling is about 15 feet high
  4. not so well, I'm afraid. Many consider the definition "Craft" to include DIY methods and buying stuff isn't that. Isn't alchemy more about chemistry from ground up than buying things from other alchemists? It is granted that one doesn't always have to re-invent the wheel, i.e. growing your own grain, but you should know the process of mashing and distillation. Sour mash saves water....
  5. It's good to have people making hooch in the great state of Alaska! (I lived in Juneau for awhile). Get ready to spend money like a drunken sailor and don't even forget a comma in your bond paperwork...
  6. This seems like a topic that could be a "Pandora's box", but is valid. Does one differentiate between strict rectifiers and those that due to the constraints of space and capitol use GNS as "A clean slate" for re-distillation (I've heard that term used by a couple of guys)? I've always believed that the market would root out inferior products but am a little cynical; i.e. the fact that there are only 6 major distilleries in the U.S. and all those different labels. Heaven Hill is the prime example. With me though, I don't care that Henry McKenna single barrel comes from the same juice as Evan Williams. I care about which tastes better. So with "Craft" distillers, I've found that those who are using their stills for temporary storage instead of as stills have products that are lacking in a decent flavor profile. The bigger picture to me is that the guys that mash their own grains are apt to make it known, and the public is becoming more aware of the process. I guess what I'm saying is, or asking, how big of an issue is it if an industry in its infancy quarrels over semantics of "Craft", "Micro" or "Small"? I do agree that it isn't right for people to lie or even be vague about their processes.
  7. two of our stills are direct fired. We just bricked them but should have put insulation too... Maybe when we have more $$. we have a vent in the roof on what is basically a dimmer switch so we can adjust the speed of the fan. We used a contractor to install it, but also had to put in updraft and downdraft vents per the city. You will have to see what your city wants you to do as we have learned that they are the most difficult entity to deal with. integrityspirits.blogspot.com
  8. We have three stills. A 500 l. Alembic, a 300 l. moonshine/stripping pot that we made and a 450 l. Christian Carl with a four plate side column. Obviously for different applications.
  9. Sorry, I didn't know... Coop, I thought you wanted true proof tables - http://www.ttb.gov/foia/Table_1.pdf
  10. When I met Dave Pickerel from Maker's Mark, he let me taste his "White dog" which was labelled bourbon. It was less than a day old, but in new, charred oak. It passed COLA. As far as I understand, TTB regs say that it has to be in new oak but nothing about how long. You are correct about the 2 year and 4 year designations though
  11. Here In Oregon, we formed a guild with the hope of doing what you're talking about but it's in it's infancy so we haven't gotten to that yet. we have 18 members (Distilleries), with more on the way. The big problem I see is that a lot of the little guys are being absorbed into the big dogs like Southern wine & spirits and even if they remain independent, they want exclusive contracts with no guarantees of good sales How can we fix this because it sure seems to be broken
  12. it's on the ttb web site but their server isn't responding right now. I tried to upload the pdf but it's too big for this forum. I'll get the url when the site can be reached.
  13. You have our support!!!!!!!! Rich Phillips, integrity spirits, Oregon 909 se Yamhill Portland, OR 97214
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