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Posts posted by coop

  1. I used other business owners in my town, none of which were called or contacted.

    Most forms that ask for referances never contact them including loan applications. They will only contact them if you fail to pay taxes or make payments. They will ask these people if they know where you are. Coop

  2. OMG!!! After several gold, silver and bronze medals, starting a company and building it up in 4 years then selling it, now consulting on the first bourbon distillery in Australia and building it, I cannot even make the minimum QUALIFICATIONS here and not sure any one else could. Too Bad, might be a great job. Coop

  3. The license would remain with the distillery as long as you qualify for a DSP. The transfer involves the same paper work but would stay in operation in the original license control until the TTB accepts your application. You would want to close the deal upon acceptance by the TTB and settle up then. If they continue to make products final selling price would be determined at closing. Coop

  4. Both state and Federal are involved. Without knowing what state you are in any of us here might be giving you bad advise. I understand a change in you life is immanent but not a good reason for bad advice. I agree with Teton about lawyers only because unless you live is say Kentucky, you will not find a liquor lawyer. I sold my distillery well over a year ago so it does not matter to me where you are. My next one will be in Western Australia. Coop

  5. Let me see, you have been a member for 6 days, we have no information on you? Where do you live? What is the name of your distillery? Do you have a DSP permit? We need to know these things to recommend a lawyer. Why recommend one from California if you are in NY? Coop

  6. Just a little something to further muddy the water. Teton is right on in his comments. Just so every one remembers, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will own any and all spirits produced as their Lien is first in line with the bank or share holders second. Until all federal taxes are paid. Remember the TTB only wants to get paid the taxes owed on the produced spirits, the rest is up to you. I have been selling pre-paid liquor for over 5 years. Coop

  7. Is this a Holstein Still? Just wondering as I had the same problem with mine. Simple fix. Although Holstein said they never heard of this before several other Holstein owners contacted me. All that was necessary was to affix a no hub rubber connector to one end of the drain back from the column and add a piece of copper pipe to the other end, long enough to always be submersed in the liquid that is in the pot. Been running this now for 5 years with no problems at all. Coop

  8. In the "real" world over the past 6 years of distribution both ourselves and with major distributors and as a past small liquor store owner, at least 80% of sales goes to small liquor stores which rarely ever purchase in case quantities. They all factor in the "broken case" charges. It cannot be helped. This is partly why small stores have a larger shelve pricing than discount type stores. We have always used 12 bottle cases. Coop

  9. I would not consider these controls as a "labor" saving devise as you cannot just set it and walk away. You will need someone standing there thorough the entire process because things happen and you need someone there as it does. Murpheys Law. Coop

  10. At our Colorado Gold Distillery we start out with 70 gallons fresh water, start steam flow then dump in slowly about 330# of various grains and cook it. The steam is direct injection so it will add about another 30 gallons of water to the process of bringing it up to temperature. Coop

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