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Falling Rock

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Posts posted by Falling Rock

  1. We're very lucky in that we are self financed.

    We do however have related joint ventures ready, where the extension of that new venture will be co-owned. A joint venture with existing busnisess that have more experience in their area.

    I have been partners in other ventures and would offer this...the partnership or investment can be written, so that I/you always have the ability to buy them out if necessary or financially appropriate.

  2. Evan,

    Thanks, this is a gracious post.

    My wife Carol & I will be attending our first ADI Conference this year and look forward to meeting others in the biz.

    While not new to the business world, this is a new venture from the ground up!

    Watch for a name change…when others fail to participate, I punish them.

    Dirck & Carol

  3. We're an embryo, about a year out. We have land and are designing the building.

    The hardest part to get in line is the timing of filing(s) and licensing. That's what we are here to learn.

    As for products, we intend to do some specialty products of our own, coop with a winery and wholesale as production time/facilities allow.

    Does that cover a wide spectrum?

    We will be attending the 2014 Conference in Seattle.

    Thank you...

    Dirck & Carol

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