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The return of Bill Owens!


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Repeating a journey Bill made 50 years ago, ADI president Bill Owens is back from his "epic" 93 day tour of the USA and Europe. The purpose of his trip was to do research on two books on cooperages (The art of barrel making) and artisan whiskey distilleries. Bill's guide in France was Huber Germain-Robin. In Germany his guide was Dr. Klause Haggann of Kothe and Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland his guide was Julia Nourney. Julia is a professional whiskey judge "taster" and knows the European whisky industry inside-out. Once when leaving a small distillery Bill said "I really liked the Carrot Brandy." To which Julia responded "i've tasted better."

While traveling the Smithsonian Magazine did a feature on Bill the link is http://www.smithsoni...n-Suburbia.html

What's next- the April Brandy conference will be held in Portland Oregon. Registration on the www.distlling.com will start in late November.post-2-128950869121_thumb.jpg

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