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Chillin' and Distillin' 2011

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Chillin' and Distillin'Craft Distilling Adventure


4 day intensive workshop


November 10th through November 13th, 2011


9 a.m. until we're done with the day's work (about 6 p.m.)


at Delaware Phoenix Distillery, Walton, NY


Join distiller Cheryl Lins in a hands-on workshop at a working distillery, DSP-NY-15019. Our emphasis will be on making American whiskey: rye, corn, bourbon. We'll go through the whole whiskey production process from grinding the grain, mashing, fermenting, distilling to barreling and bottling. We'll use a 50 gallon Christian Carl pot still while turning back the clock to explore mid-19th century whiskey production methods and the modern legal and business environment for operating a small distillery. Participation is limited to 15 people.

Cost: $500 per person

$125 non-refundable deposit

($600 after October 28, 2010)

Limited to 15 people.

Lunch will be provided each day.

Make check or money order payable to Delaware Phoenix Distilleryandmail to Delaware Phoenix Distillery, PO Box 245, Walton, NY 13856. The distillery itself is located at 144 Delaware Street, Walton, NY 13856.

For more information contact the distillery, 607-865-5056 or check the website link to the PDF. A list of places to stay is also available. http://www.delawarephoenix.com/workshop/Chillin'%20and%20Distillin'%202011.pdf

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