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Looking forward to your coming--DYE still


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Hey guys,

We are a professional manufacturer from China,with the strength of distilling equipment and beer equipment.

Our distilling equipment can produce distilled spirits like vodka,whisky,brandy,gin,moonshine and so on.

Expect to learn from your brewing experience when you have a distillery in running.

And have chance to communicate with you about experience for technology.

By the way,our home stills(50l~200l capacity) are in stock.

Please feel free to contact me for further information if you have any interests or plans on still.


Email: daey0013@dayuwz.com

Skype: saleena156

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Hey guys,
We finished one set of 1000 liter DYE-III still,which can make distilled spirits like vodka,whiskey,brandy,gin,rum or tequila.Please contact me for further information.

1000L DYE III still

Contact Information


Email: daey0013@dayuwz.com

Skype: saleena156

Whatsapp: 86 18105878807

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now there are several sets of stills are under construction at our factory.
Please feel free to contact me for further information.

vodka copper column

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