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Everything posted by Blackheart

  1. They're up the road from us, so we took a gander. Looks like there is no seal on the boiler itself apart from the weight of the head and lyne arm resting on the vessel. Their distilling apparatus looks the part they want it to be; something hidden behind an old chicken house. On close inspection, rupture appears to have happened at the union above the thumper. It's since been repaired with some brackets and wide metal strapping. I was sincerely glad they weren't in a run when I was there. The distiller did mention that the corn/sugar charge was 250 gallons and they distill about 50 gallons of usable spirit per run (!). Didn't get an answer on whether or not that included any gns added in the process, nor was any mention made of making cuts, but I think we can draw some conclusions there. Oh, and in case you wanted a mini-replica of their operation, they were selling 2.5 gallon mini-stills for use on your very own stove for about $2750.
  2. Point of clarity here: these folks were re-distilling 105 proof whiskey, I believe, when the spill happened. Wow.
  3. http://www.independentmail.com/news/2012/may/10/explosion-rocks-downtown-anderson-business/
  4. That's pretty cool and something we totally missed. Looks like we need to include the ex-navy market in our engagement plan! Our naming came naturally, so to speak. In our area, formerly the center of the Cherokee Indian territory, they named locations based on the distance from a spiritual landmark of the Cherokee nation; Issaquenna Falls. Common town and river names are Six Mile, Three Mile, Ninety Six, Eighteen Mile Creek, etc. Since our distillery is exactly six and twenty miles from the falls as the crow flies, we stuck with Six and Twenty.
  5. I'm a believer in giving praise when it's due: Jennifer Royall at John Sutak was aces to deal with. Clear, concise and timely. And not too spendy either.
  6. Six and Twenty Distillery is submitting it's TTB application TODAY! Amazing! We're in beautiful Powdersville South Carolina, right near two other recent start-ups; Dark Corner in Greenville and Palmetto Moonshine in Anderson. I think we're on the verge of having our own little Whisky strut right here in the Upstate! We'll be at the ADI soiree in Louisville in April and we're looking forward to meeting all you smart folks who have been sharing their hard-earned knowledge with the rest of us. It's our hope that we can do the same with the folks that are entering the market behind us. Cheers to all! David Raad Robert Redmond
  7. Nice upgrades! Thanks for keeping the board straight!
  8. Anyone making or aging a peach brandy? Thanks, BH
  9. Haw! Says the ICC is an arbitrary organization! Quite right!
  10. Anyone have any experience with these closures? http://www.zork.com.au/usa/products.html
  11. Anyone know of glass manufacturers that are using recycled glass? Anyone making bottles of the 'rustic' style that contain recycled glass? Many thanks, BH
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