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Posts posted by daveflintstone

  1. Are you talking about Ropp Top, twist off capsule/cap arrangements?

    I am talking about shrink capsules. I've called Janson and yes, they can make custom capsules without grapes and with perforations, but 10 weeks lead time and minimum 35,000. I'm looking for something available quickly and lower minimums; I should have been more specific in my original post.

  2. A bookkeepper would be an employee.

    My bookkeeper, like many others, is a contractor not an employee. Plenty of bookkeepers also offer payroll service, and there are online payroll services that are easy to use.

  3. I've recently done some proofing using 2 different certified hydrometers and our certified thermometer and a digital thermometer. We then sent them to a friend for some proofing on a Anton Paar. The proofing with the digital thermometers was more accurate than our certified thermometers. The change in hydrometer made little change, but even with the correction, the certified thermometer seems to be off.

    What digital thermometer are you using?

  4. A quick google gives me this, which says in part,

    "Normally available in two grades. 300 grade and 500 grade. the higher number denotes the density of the material and can improve on performance. The majority of HDPE is available in either black or white although 500 grade sheet is available in a range of colors. which can sometimes help with food preperation or process identification."

    I don't believe "natural" polyethylene denotes a color or lack thereof. Actually, I don't know which containers are low, medium or high density polyethylene. A quick call to Basco for those interested will clear that up. I prefer a little mystery in my life...

  5. If you've never checked out Basco, now's the time. They have a current overstock clearance on these round 300 gallon tanks for $149.99. And they're forkliftable (is that a word?). I've bought assorted little things from them and they have great customer service. I don't see the special on their website, just in the mailer I received; maybe you have to call to get it. The item number is H9-GUZ300-YELLOW. Anyway, if anyone was thinking of getting an inexpensive fermentation or other tank, now's the time. And it's yellow!

  6. A one-second sparge of compressed gas such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide or beverage gas (a mixture of both) is what you need to rid the bottle of any particulate, while the bottle is inverted of course.

    Wouldn't compressed air work just fine for spirits? I blow mine out when they are standing upright; occasionally a larger piece of cardboard stuff stays in a bottle, which I see when I am filling it. So I suck it out with a straw, then spit the liquor back in.*

    *not really

  7. Denver, where in the world do you get the idea that bulk spirits are finished products? Have you tasted any? I've tasted GNS, CNS, rum, and bourbon; all from major sellers of bulk spirits. None were suitable for consumption without some type of finishing. How is 190 proof neutral, fresh off the still from a bulk supplier, a finished product? They are not finished products. Not by any stretch.

    And again, here you are telling someone with a successful liquor manufacturing business that they don't know what they're doing, cannot possibly compete with Diageo (wtf?), and their process (which you don't have technical details of and cannot possibly analyze) is bullshit. Does that about cover it?

    Did you even read their website? Did you read the article that started this? They appear to be doing exactly what they set out to do. Without much fanfare I might add.

    And where is the sales pitch? In the small regional newspaper article? In the company's short, to the point response to other posters' misconceptions? I don't see it. I didn't get a sales call; I don't feel hornswaggled by some fast talking, hocus pocus pushing con men. I saw no post offering products for sale. I don't think you are helping anyone, regardless of experience, by your posts in this thread. I think you have really missed the mark on this one.

  8. Wow, what's with the hostility? This company isn't treading on your holier-than-thou craft/artisan/micro spirits production. Are you pissed because they got great press? Do you really expect any news article to be completely accurate regarding technical details?

    Obviously they have a market that is not the high priced craft market. They are businessmen, not artisans.

    First thing I thought when I read this article was "that's sounds cool". A man much smarter than me has perfected a technique to improve spirits without lengthy aging; terrific. The folks who are buying it are apparently happy with the products. I hope the people who (finally) buy my products will be just as pleased.

    Denver Distiller, I can't believe you're lecturing someone on their successful business. And, respectfully, it reads like you are telling him how to run his company. They are buying efficiently produced bulk ingredients to efficiently create their products, without the customarily inefficient finishing required. What's wrong with that? Sounds logical to me. Why does he have to beat Diageo? Do you? I'm not aware that Diageo is selling house brands to small restaurants.

    I know about most of what I do; I know little of what others do. It is laughable when someone insists on analyzing and critiquing another's operation based on the very information they've already deemed inaccurate.

    I'm starting to grow weary of some craft distillers' budding superiority complexes regarding their production. When you start blowing your own glass bottles and making the paper for your labels, then we'll talk.

  9. Thanks Guy for working on the spamming problem

    I'm now spamming my self. How can that happen.

    Do I dare mark bill@distilling.com as "junk"

    I'm afraid it would block others from reaching me.

    bill owens

    If you are receiving spam from yourself, your email has been compromised. Lots of other folks will be receiving spam from you too. Change your email password.

  10. I'm using a trusty packing tape dispenser to seal 12 pack cases. At what point is using glue more effective? Does anyone use glue, glue gun, etc. to seal their cases? Or is that only done on large assembly lines?

  11. Dave,

    Looks like an old price gun dispenser. If you had a longer label I guess you could pull the trigger multiple times until it the dispense length was appropriate - unless that is an adjustment I can't see in any of their videos.

    It is exactly that - if the label is longer than the specs of the applicator, you squeeze the trigger again.

    "Otherwise if volume dictates, investigate a hand held ink jet printer. Perhaps asking GS1US (barcode people) what they would advise."

    I need to cover up the existing UPC with the new one, so I need a label.

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