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Palmetto Coast

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Posts posted by Palmetto Coast

  1. Ok, we are getting ready to propose to investors. What exactly are the rules about retailers investing in the production side? We have a few restaurant owners who have expressed interest.

    I've gone over the Tied-House regulations and I don't recall seeing anything against it. It seems mostly tied to what we can and can't do as "industry members". However, when they invest, don't they then become an industry member?

    Can someone please set me straight?



  2. That's comparable to the price for a similar German still. What is your competitive advantage, if there is no price advantage?

    Just curious which still you have found with this size and price point. Also curious about customer service offered.


  3. Having a bit of research under my belt, I would suggest using more industry standards as references. Quoting a Modern Marvels show on distilleries is like quoting Wikipedia. You could probably have gotten data from either DISCUS or the TTB website.

    Please don't take anyone's comments here on a personal level. I am sure that most of the good folks here welcome not only the research, but press that it may likely bring to this industry.

    There is no federal charge, but state fees do vary, and to some degree. Florida, I believe, has an $800 biennial fee. SC has a $5000 biennial fee.

    Thanks for sharing it with us and please do pay attention to the comments.


  4. Hi all,

    I am presenting my plan to investors, and am trying to get a bit more "anecdotal" evidence. My sales projections are based on discussions with a few micro-distilleries. I was wondering if any of you would be willing to share your first year sales by the case? Just for everyone's info, I have estimated 800-1200 cases total in year one. Please leave any type of feedback, or feel free to PM me if you don't want them public. By the way, my initial products are light and dark rum and unaged whiskey (with aged to follow when ready). I am expecting higher rum sales, than unaged whiskey.

    In the least, please let me know whether you see these as realistic goals (any empirical data is welcomed).



  5. Try Country Malt Group out of North Carolina. They have pretty decent shipping prices as well.

    Country Malt Group - Hickory, NC

    543 12th Street Drive NW

    Hickory, NC 28601

    Toll-Free: 888-569-0044


    Unmalted Rye

    Our whole-grain unmalted rye is an excellent choice for Rye Beer and Rye Whiskey production.

    (SM-RYEM-GEN) Unmalted Rye 55 pound bag $0.39/lb

    Send me a PM with your email and I can send you a copy of their catalog.


  6. Hey Chris,

    Thanks for this bit! That was some of the type stuff that I was looking for. What incentives can I give to investors to make it a bit sweeter? This would help ease some of the edginess. Is this a topic that I would talk to lawyers or accountants about (initially)?



  7. We just launched a coaster with a QR code linked to an app on our facebook page. I'm interested to see if it generates any interest and will try to keep all posted.

    John, I like the potential I'm this idea. If you give them out to bars in your direct area AND you can do onsite sales and tastings. Have it say something like, "your friends at xyz distillery would like to buy you a drink." The QR directs them to a downloadable certificate good for a free tasting at your shop. You would be able to directly correlate this. Not sure if you can offer something like this on FourSquare as well.

  8. Hi Jonathan,

    I would suggest Malt Products as well. I believe they are out of NJ. Another distributor you might try is Batory Foods (http://batoryfoods.com/). They have a number of distribution centers in surrounding states (PA and MA), but none in NY. Try Lavinia Stembridge at O 813 831 3658 | C 813 846 3567. She may refer you to another regional sales rep.

    Good luck,


  9. Hi all,

    Some of you may recognize me. Hell, I've been on here asking questions since Jan. 2008. Well, as my dad says, "Its time to %#@t or get off the pot." I seem to be at the point of spending money and have gotten ok with that. I do know that I don't have enough for the entire venture. I hope to have a space before the end of the year. I know that all of you that are actually distilling have gotten there many different ways, so I thought some of you might lend your wisdom. Just so you know, I am talking with banks, potential partners, etc., I'm not expecting to get all the answers here, just sound advice.

    Some of you have financed yourselves, gone through banks, had investors, or sold stock. I am considering the investor option as well as the banking. Here are my questions and dilemmas:

    If I finance with a bank, I will generally need to start repaying right away. So in effect, I am paying back before I am even setup. I have a problem with that.

    If you went the bank route, how has it worked for you? Did you do SBA or some other type? Any suggestions?

    For those of you with outside investors, what options/incentives did you consider offering in the contract? I could just offer a % of profit. Could offer repayment plan + interest based on prime. Could offer product. What were some ideas that came across your plate?

    I'm not looking here for investors, just advice.

    Thanks for all your help over the years. Hope to run into more of you eventually.

    Todd Weiss

  10. I've been doing some thinking about gin lately. I know there are various methods for flavoring.

    Some folks just macerate the botanicals in the spirit. Probably the cheapest and easiest.

    Some use a gin basket and distill the vapors through the botanicals.

    Still others, distill each botanical separately. I know different flavors come over better at different times during distillation. I can see how this method would produce each flavor better. Probably yhe most labor intensive.

    I was trying to figure out the pros and cons regarding each method (and others that may exist). Anyone care to weigh in?

    Thanks again,


  11. To those of you who are making or have produced rum...

    I was wondering if you are pre-treating to remove ash, or fermenting and distilling as is. If you are pre-treating, what are you using?



  12. I have been searching in vain for a chart or statistics somewhere here in the forum which contained numbers of total $ sales nationwide of various spirits which stated amount of taxes paid by major distilleries compared to micro distilleries. Something like .01 percent by micros. It also had something to do with bill 777 for a reduction in taxes on micro distillers. I am lost. Coop

    I had a bit of spare time today, but this is all I could find...


    Don't know that its what you were looking for though.


  13. For those using wax to seal bottles...

    Are you using any type of paper or tab to make opening the bottles easier? I am trying to decide between capsules and wax, but I don't want to make it difficult for the consumer to get the drink out of the bottle.

    Any thoughts?



  14. I tried the link also. It seems to assign a general link when searching. I'm not a techie, so I can't explain it any better.

    However, go to http://www.wswa.org/home.php, click on "State by State" at the top, click on "All States" at right. Then you have a drop down menu where you can find what appears to be all applicable laws. Scroll down to "XII. Franchise Laws and Wholesale Registration Requirements".

    Lots of other fun stuff there like info about The "CARE" Bill (HR 1161). Unfortunately, you need to be a member to read it (I am not).


  15. I am trying to find out what terms most distributors end up using for payment to you. Net 30? Net 60? Does anyone go Net 90? Does it vary on certain things? How are they, generally, at meeting thses obligations? Do they place any specific demands in your court?

    Thanks for your help.


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