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Palmetto Coast

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Posts posted by Palmetto Coast

  1. Generally speaking, gas-fired stills require a dedicated room. However, this is not always the case, obviously. Koval Distillery in Chicago has their boiler in a dedicated room, as does Las Vegas Distillery. However, I know of a distillery in South Carolina that does not have theirs in a dedicated room. Rather, they run a VERY long length of pipe from the boiler to the still.

    I have not found the same requirements for electric steam boilers. I would be interested in hearing from others with different experiences.


  2. It is my belief, after speaking with the TTB, that you just need a separate entrance to the outside. The entrance to the distillery "warehouse" (bonded) can not be the same entrance that they use to enter the retail/tasting (unbonded/general) area. In effect, it makes it its own separate space. Here is an exceprt from the TTB agent -

    "...completely separate the two areas and hence take that section off distillery premise. You could also use a solid wall with a glass window, but again it has to be floor to ceiling. The reason for this is that the regulations don’t really allow for a tasting room or retail on premise, so in order to make that happen, you need to make the division complete. Also, you need to make sure that the tasting room would have direct outside access..."

  3. For some heavy rums, they use slow fermenting yeast. The longer length of the fermentation allows the ferment to produce more flavors.


  4. Another FYI... Whether you lauter and have spent grains, or use a finer grind you should still be able to dispose of your liquid stillage through a farmer. We have one that is eagerly awaiting ours.


  5. Since it is an anonymous survey, I would have liked to see other questions that might also benefit those starting out, including:

    In how many states are your products distributed?

    What are your wholesale/retail price points or ranges?

    Maybe next time?


  6. I was asked to do a short (15 min.) presentation to a group of 30-40 young professionals next week. I was just curious if any of you had any interesting stories, anecdotes, or suggestions for the presentation?

    I thought I would touch on past, present and future of the business, but would really like to get a little more meat to fill in the presentation. Any thoughts?



  7. I am looking for a good eccentric screw pump (aka Positive Displacement screw pump or progressive cavity pump) to move molasses. Anyone have any good leads or good results using another type of pump with molasses?



  8. I am interested in talking to folks that do any of the following:

    1. Leasing time, space and equipment of a licensed distillery to produce your own products.

    2. Or if you lease the aforementioned to someone so they can produce their products

    3. If you produce private label products for others.

    I know of a few folks on here that done one or the other, and will try to contact you. Feel free to PM.



  9. Most quality volumetric flasks are calibrated at a given temperature, and come with temperature to volume compensation tables. Temperature effects volume based assay the same as density assay, but to a lesser degree. My only advice is to make temperature calibration and correction integral with your tests. I took an easy path, and purchased hydros and flasks all calibrated for 22C and then set the aircon in the lab to exactly 22C. But even then when I get tank samples that need to be tested in a hurry, you still must temperature compensate.

    A electronic scale with the accuracy and repeat-ability to reliably perform ABV tests are expensive, hence most of use either Hydros or IR/UV Spectro.


    How specific would an electronic scale need to be? I guess it would depend on the volume being measured. We had looked at a pallet scale from Dissonance, as they are local. They were rated within 0.5 lbs, but he found the reliability slightly better. What scales are others using?

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