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zinc bars


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I've never heard that and there's no way in hell I would use zinc in something that I was going to drink. The whole point of stainless is that is doesn't rust. If your SS is not passivated, then passivate it.

Run Birko Acid Bright #2, 1 oz per gallon of water, through your still for 30 minutes - DO NOT RINSE, then run Birko Cellar Master for 30 minutes at 120F, 1 oz. per gallon of water. Rinse with 140 degree water and Bingo your done and your still is passivated.

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there's no way in hell I would use zinc in something that I was going to drink.

You have your entire adult life if you drink anything that's fermented... which obviously includes distilled spirits.

Smaller German breweries I worked at would hang plates of zinc in the kettle to get tiny amounts dissolved and through to the yeast without violating the Purity law.

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Zinc is very often used as a sacrificial anode in highly corrosive environments. Most marine vessels will have zinc anodes for this purpose.

Using them in a distillery? If you are using 304 or 316 SS, you should have no need for sacrificial anodes of any composition. The stainless steel equipment will outlive you.

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i have a stainless steel still. has any one heard of attaching a zinc bar in your vaper path to help the steel from corrosion if your steel may not be properly passified. im wondering if the zinc could give the spirit off flavors . cheers

Using sacrificial anodes, is valid on large tanks and boats. I have never seen it used in distillation systems. Depending what is liberated during the boil up, the zinc will react to form any number of water soluble salts including zinc chloride, zinc sulphate and potentially zinc phosphate. All will taint your distillate.

Unless you are stripping heavily sulphated packaged wine, I doubt you will have a corrosion problem, but depends on your feed water. The trick to preventing corrosion is to not use dissimilar metals, make sure every contact point is electrically solid, and keep the bugger clean.

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