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Yearly case sales by company, drink type, etc.? Anything like that?

Ryan S.

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Does anyone know if there is somewhere to get that info from? Preferably for free.....Specifically Im trying to get case sales numbers by company for vodka in the States and Globally.


Ryan Sovelius

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I'll second what John said about asking the states for the info. When I was planning my distillery for Iowa, before moving to minnesota, I got a complete list (which is available on the Iowa control board website) which gave every liquor company they allowed in the state and sales. So I could see how much Temple Rye, Cedar Ridge, and Mississippi River Distilling were sending to the state as my direct competition. They also listed the big guys too.

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As Kristian mentions, DISCUS has a lot of good data. Do the following search in google:

industry review pdf site:discus.org

The DISCUS reports break it down by type. Data by company seems to be a lot harder to come by as it's generally considered proprietary.

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While some companies may want to hide their numbers to protect their interests, this information is not proprietary. For example, I found this from the state of Iowa with only a single search of "Iowa alcohol control board" and then clicked the "about" link in the nav bar, and went to annual report. http://www.iowaabd.com/files/client_files/522/2251/vendor_analysis.pdf Do a little research and you can find all of this. This is exactly what the big guys are doing to find out what your numbers are to see if they might want to buy you. Just put a little time in.

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I second Rick's comment -- it differs by state and you'll find the control board (or taxing authority) the best place to start. For Illinois, for example, I've confirmed via a FOIA request to Dept. of Revenue that they don't maintain this kind of information with any kind of specificity. They can only tell you the tax revenue obtained from the sale of alcohol, but even that is only split into three main buckets (i.e. they don't maintain for whiskey v. vodka v. gin).

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