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Whisky book by Inge Russell - physical quality very low

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I just bought the 'Whisky: Technology, Production and Marketing' book in hardcover from Amazon and spent over $150. The thing looks like a Chinese photocopy knockoff once you open the cover.... all the large type wording is noticeably pixelated, and the text is better, but not what I would expect from a textbook-priced book!

On the copyright page, it says "Transferred to Digital Print on Demand 2010"...

I feel like just got screwed... any thoughts? Should I just send it back?


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Hey Mike, Sorry to hear about the print quality on the book. My thoughts are this, for a textbook you're ultimately paying for the info in the book rather than the presentation of the book unlike with others. in my opinion, this book is worth the money (as long as it's legible and nothing is missing). It's a heavy read, but it's my go to reference for all things distilling. Hope that helps, and again, sorry the presentation isn't nicer, I would be pissed too.

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Legibility is marginal.... For a book written with a 10 year old copyright, any proceeds from the purchase are pure gravy for the publisher and author, and they should be ashamed at passing what I received off as a reference book... I have a paperback version of 'the Bartender's Gin Compendium' that I spent 10 bucks on that has far superior legibility... Can I read it? Yes. Can I focus on the content and not straining my eyes? No... I printed off the Amazon return label and boxed it up just now, I will contact some used sellers to see if their version is this 'digital' version...

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Digital Print On Demand (POD) is a double-edged sword. It does allow for the "reprinting" of out of print books, which is great. But obviously, the initial prep work to create a GOOD digital original wasnt performed.

And paying full price for it is kind of like paying full price for a new CD, only to find out its just a copy burned off of iTunes, and printed in some kids basement on an inkjet printer. Sure, you can listen to it... just like you can probably read your book. But is it worth full price?

CWB - if you DO return it (which is what I would do!), I have a very legible PDF file that was shared with me. I printed it out at work on plain B&W laser paper (sshhh-- dont tell anyone!), printed the cover in color, and took it to Kinkos/FedEx Office and had them spiral bind it with plastic covers, top and bottom. While I generally do not condone or endorse piracy and such, having lots of friends in the music industry that earn a living through music sales.... I also wasnt able to find a copy of the book anywhere in print for what I would think would be a reasonable amount. And the ones I saw online were sketchy, and emails to various sellers didnt fill me with warm fuzzies that my $$ wouldnt just disappear.

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