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Best Distributors for New Distillery

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Not to burst your bubble. Selling another moonshine is like another vodka. Distributors are not waiting for our products as craft distillers. Time is money, you have to have a compelling reason for them to take on your product and how will you drive the market to retailers. If you have a $500,000 to $1,000,000 marketing budget (which is compelling to them), then you will need to start local.

1. One West VA distillery just folded, due to your state laws.

2. Understand the laws of your state completely before you start.

3. A percentage of all your sales has to go to competing liquor stores. My God, the WVA laws are insane.

4. Track record, capacity, margin, capital, story, all have to addressed and the list goes on This is the toughest business I've ever been involved in.

5. Can you afford to operate for 2 plus years without covering all your costs.

The romance of distilling is short lived when you can't pay your bills or are not allowed to sell your product.

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