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bottling equipment


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Explosion proof everything (not necessarily a legal requirement but always better to not explode), parts that can handle the high proof spirits, ensuring a consistent proof content. Wine has a much wider range of allowable ABV +/- 3% I believe, whereas spirits are only -0.03 proof. Sourcing equipment for spirits seems to be a little more challenging though I have intintially sought wine equipment. Filtering spirits may be a challenge as well. I have mostly used plate&frame but determing how tightly to filter is up to you. Some don't filter at all.


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Wines are +/- .5%, still point well taken. With the "parts that can handle high proof", are we talking about seals and seats? I think silicone and buna-n are prevalent with our wine line, is this compatible with 80-85 proof spirit? What kind of filtering media? Different then that used in wines? I don't necessarily mean how tight, more like what kind of media? Thanks!

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Buna-N will soften and degrade with prolonged contact to high-proof. Silicone a bit less so. If the same seals are available in EPDM that's a better choice.

You can use many of the same filters for wine that you do for spirits, particularly if you are using cartridge filters, plate and frame filters, or lenticular filters. Mind the material that the filters are made of, and consult a chemical compatibility chart. The Graver filter cartridges we sell to wineries and distilleries are made chiefly of polypropylene, and have good compatibility with both wine and spirits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies, wine is not my gig. Thank you for the correction.

When proofing (I don't know if this is an issue with wine) but if the spirit is allowed to sit for any significant period of time in it's container -hours to days - it's helpful to have a way to agitate it.

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