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To be eligible to place an item specific ad in this section vendors must be current Title, Platinum, or Gold Sponsor. 

All posts must include specific items or services for sale as well as the specific price. It is also encouraged to include photographs of the specific item for sale.

Images can be added to new topics in a couple different ways.

  1. Uploaded via the Gallery and then link in the ad.
  2. If the image is posted on another website, the url to the image can be linked to by clicking on the green image box in the second row of the editor.
  3. Thumbnails of the image(s) can be uploaded as attachments at the bottom of the page.

All new topics in this section will be sent to a moderator before posting to ensure sponsorship level and that the topic includes prices for specific items.

The For Sale section of ADI's Forum is offered for use to Individual Members and Vendors as a means to sell or buy items to and from one another. Buyers are encouraged to ask questions and verify compliance of any items with applicable laws and safety guidelines. We do not make any warranties about the reliability, completeness, security, safety, and accuracy of the products posted or the information listed. Any action you take upon the items for sale listed on our Forum are strictly at your own risk. We are not liable for any harm, whether in the law of contracts, the law of torts or otherwise, resulting from a. user content; b. user conduct, i.e., illegal conduct; c. any losses and damages in connection with the use of our website, including business losses, loss of income, reputation or goodwill, etc.

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