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This should be simple... we need to have multiple ppl submitting formulas, COLAs, etc.   I submitted this question and received the following reply:




This is in reference to COLA/FONL Online Access Request Submitted to the Alcohol and Tobacco, Tax and Trade Bureau.

In review of your submission, it appears you do not have Signature Authority/Power of Attorney on file with the National Revenue Center.  You must have approved signing authority/power of attorney before applying to file e-Applications. 

    • If your application was approved through Permits Online and you do not have signing authority/power of attorney, an authorized user must follow the steps in the link below to file an amendment granting you signing authority/power of attorney. 



The problem is the PDF listed at the bottom doesnt exist. Has anyone done this and, if so, can you help me to see the light?





Without looking to confirm, TTB recently went to a new permits on line system, which means that the old instructions are no longer valid.  Go to the website and locate the new instructions for amending.  So far, my verdict is that the old system was a lot easier than the new one, but I'm still playing with it and am a notorious curmudgeon when it comes to TTB's digital systems. 

3 hours ago, dhdunbar said:

Go to the website and locate the new instructions for amending. 

We did exactly that!  For the life of us we can't find where to add another SA. Frustrating. Left a VM for both NRC and TTB to call back. Wanna take bets on when that will happen?






I have four questions pending, from how to amend the operating trade name; to who can be the key contact (TTB says it has to be someone who has a financial interest in the business, but only one person does, and he can't operate as a key contact because he is in the main an absentee.  Plus, what happens in the case of large, publicallyy held entites like Anheuser Busch?; to  how to revoke a power of attorney (the applications wizard takes you into a black hole and that may be your problem too; to a collocation with a residence issue, which the instructions say can't be done and which I have done, successfully at least 10 times in the past, with fuill disclosure of all circumstances, so they seem to be changing the rules by a single line in the instructions.

I assume that there are a lot of people like us who are suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. So too, I imagine, are those who answer the telephones and are unfailingly polite and helpful when I get through.  My problem is not with them.  It is with management who supervised this roll out.

In sum, did no one beta test the darned thing before they implemented it?  I'm calling again right now and intend to keep calling all day long.  I've got five clients who are looking to me for help :-).  Make that :-(. 


I asked the question about adding the POA and they said I couldn't ask the question because I didnt have either SA or POA. Sigh.  I think I'm going to sign, attach  directors meetings minutes, and then fax it in.  Hello 1987!

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