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Everything posted by coop

  1. I am using some heads in my truck, 2000 Dodge. I use about 1 pint to each tank full of gas. Works great for injector cleaner. Coop
  2. How many gpm are you looking for. I am using 2 3gpm diaphragm 12v pumps myself and have had great luck. Coop
  3. coop

    Gin Makers

    Let me assure you and any one else that I had no intentions of using any ones formula for the gin. I just was looking for some one place that would have everything I would need. The only thing we have locally is the juniper berries. We have millions of trees right here and I just go out in my own yard a just pick what I need. Always fresh but we have nothing else. Thanks for helping me. Coop
  4. coop

    Gin Makers

    We are looking for some Botanicals for making gin. Just wondering where you Gin makers are getting yours. Are you able to purchase pre-made up packets? Thanks, coop
  5. We here at Colorado Gold are going to use the "Point of Sale" program by quickbooks and adapt it to keep track of inventory, sales, stock on hand. I can track grain usage, bottles on hand and just about every thing needed to make reports. What needs to really happen is for the ttb to allow us to start filing every quarter instead of each month. Coop
  6. We here at Colorado Gold will be making our own also but not till near year end. Coop
  7. Any one out there thinking about purchasing a Baverian/Holstine still please contact me before signing any purchase orders. Coop
  8. We are a small distillery and so we have time to clean something all the time. Your protocols would be very helpful just to see that we do not miss something. How hot is your water? How do you clean your transfer hoses?
  9. Just wondering how each one of you control the growth of unwanted bacterial growth in your fermentation tanks? What are your methods of controlling it? What methods of cleaning and what do you use to clean with? We know bacteria is everywhere it comes on our grains and is in the air. How often do you sanitize, after every mash run? Do you use a steam cleaner with an acid solution? Thanks, Coop
  10. We here in Colorado do use an agitator for our mash kettle. It is a 900L kettle and is direct steam fired. The total cost was 600.00 for a 1/2 HP motor with a gear drive speed reducer 110V power source and 45.00 for the shaft and paddles. Works great for us, keeps mash moving and helps mix the grains and when it comes time to transfer mash to fermentation tanks. We are using corn ground to a little bigger than corn meal, wheat and barley. Well worth the price. Coop
  11. We here in Colorado also use the coconut derived carbon. coop
  12. We here at Colorado Gold Distillery have a retail store on site and are allowed to offer samplings within our store. We can also sell OUR products only on site without another license. It is legal in the state of Colorado and allowed by the TTB. Our store is in the same building but and this is KEY, not a part of the bonded area. Coop
  13. A firm that does cooling tried to sell us a 7 ton chiller for our 450 gallon tank. Like I said we made our own with a total cost of $956.00. The water coming out after cooling over night is in the low 40F. The cooling coils in the tank are about 24 inches of a frozen block of ice. coop
  14. We have a 300 L still but I thought you were trying to re use water that came from cooling your mash kettle. Our condensing column uses very little water but could be reclaimed in the same manor. Our column has a thermostat which only induces just enough water to keep it at whatever temp we want. Only the warm water at the top is flushed out and only a little at a time. coop
  15. We have a 210 gallon mash kettle which we cool with water. We have one 450 gallon plastic stock tank the ones you see in the back of a pickup truck. In that tank we have a 18"x18"x6" cooling coil suspended in about the middle of the tank. We have a small 110V compressor like a small refrigerator one that we plug in a day or two before we need it. It takes about 200 gallons of water @40 F to cool one run. We are going to install a second tank to collect the warm water thus keeping it from warming up the cold water. It will take only a day or two for that tank to cool down then we will drain it into the cold tank for re use. One tank is on top of the other stacked so no other pump is needed. We use a small Grundafaus, not sure of the spelling, re-circulating pump. I think two 450 gallon tanks work real well. Coop
  16. We ordered our still 7/20/07, started our remodel and applications on 9/15/2007. Filed for both Federal an State on 10/10/2007. We received our state lic on11/03/2007 and our federal on 01/06/2008. We took delivery of still on 12/20 /2007 had it installed two days later. Had our certificate of occupation on 01/06/2007. Our town did not charge us or require us to purchase a liquor license so all we have to pay is a $30.00 business license. Our only real problem thought the entire process has been bottles. We are working with a Saver glass bottle Axel style and what a nightmare. Not so much with Saver as with the middle man, mainly Tri-Core Braun. They have screwed us to death ever since we started working with them. We ordered bottles in September and have yet to receive all of our order. First Tri-Cor failed to verify with Saver our order, We kept calling Tri-Cor for two months and they would not return our calls. When we finely by threating to cancel our order we got a call back. We were given all kinds of excuses you name it we got it. It was all Savers fault until we told him we were in contact with Saver and Tri Core was the blame. Then Tri Core demanded after all our complaining a C.O.D on bottles, claiming they got no responses from credit applications. What a joke as I for one filled one out myself and faxed it in as well as our local bank. What really happened is they lost all the replys. They seam to thank they have us over a barrel but I know otherwise. We no doubt will have our own molds made and bottles produced in Mexico. Great savings on freight and bottle cost. It is amazing to me we are the only ones in the world using this bottle as their never is any in stock. coop
  17. Tails? I would just add them to the next run and strip out any remaining alcohol. Coop
  18. We were not using Danstil. We were using the SuperStart from White labs. We may have found a procedure problem. Our fermentation tanks will hold 3 mash runs each approx 200 gallons. We have been doing two runs to each tank. We think we are transferring first run at too high temp and before we get the second one done we can see where wild fermentation is starting already. This may be rendering useless the whole batch as we think the yeast we are adding in will not work with the other wild fermentation taking place. We are going to cool way down the first batch keeping it around 60F then when we add the second one around 80 F I think we will be ok. Coop
  19. Where did you get your yeast from? And what is it called besides the #. Coop
  20. We are able to ferment with solids but cannot put them in the still as of yet. coop
  21. It is new. Have talked with them several times but my German is not so good and their english is not so good. The still is really self explaining if you have any distilling knowledge at all. Process is the same just different equipment. Getting better with it each time. Coop
  22. When I called and talked to the sale person at White Labs he recomended the super start. Could not talk to the lab tech as she was not their. Sales men cannot live with them, cannot live without them. New strain of yeast coming out. Coop
  23. Due to plumbing arraignments we cannot distill with the grains on. No way to separate before going into sewer. Working on getting another pump and separator. We again did not get enough alcohol out of our run. Soooooo out the door goes the yeast we are using and I will get another strain. We would like to produce some Vodka first, whiskey second. What strain would you all recommend for Vodka? I was happy with the results I had been getting from the Gerhard Strand I was using for my whiskey.
  24. P.S. I would like to add photo but cannot seam to figure out how to do it. Help. Coop
  25. My name is Tom Cooper AKA Coop in Colorado. I am 60 years old with past ties to the South, Arkansas and Missouri. My uncle who was a share cropper introduced me to moonshine when I was in my teens and have been hooked ever sense. I am half owner in Colorado Gold Distillery in Cedaredge Colorado. My partner who is in the carpet business are moving from a small 7.5 gallon still to the one we have now which is a Bavarian/Holstein. 300L steam fired still with 28 plate two column still. It has the capability of making Vodka, Gin, Whiskey and a fine brandy, that is if we ever figure everything out. NO OPERATING instructions came with it but after two weeks of playing around just about have it figured out (we think). Jumping from 7.5 gallons to a 240 gallon mash kettle is proving harder that I thought. We are gaining each time we make a batch. Small steps but who could just run before learning to walk . I was using a yeast from Gearhourt Strand ,I am sure the spelling is wrong on that on, before and now trying to use the SuperStart from White Labs. Not sure about this yeast as alcohol conversions are not as high as I am use to. But time will tell. I have been glad for all the help and advice I have been given. Coop
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