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Posts posted by Stumpy's

  1. 3 hours ago, Blackheart said:

    True: but most of them have on staff someone (or teams of people) like Donald Snyder, and wouldn't require Whiskey Systems.  Alas, I cant afford a full timer that does nothing but systems management and materials/inventory/cost accounting.  

    The operations I'm referencing have their everyday production teams utilizing Hoochware...no fancy compliance position whatsoever. Again, not bashing WS, whatsoever; just saying there are other options that are scaleable.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Blackheart said:

    I was thinking of this the other day; IMHO if you aspire to grow your distilling business you're going to be using WS software eventually, regardless of the system you use presently.  It's the only one that can handle all scales of distillery enterprises.

    I'm not certain that's the case. I know of PROMINENT distilleries in KY that probably run more volume in a month than all of us on this thread combined do in a year that are very happy with software options other than WS. Just saying that it's not the end all, be all if you want to run serious volume.

  3. If you're talking about fuel-grade ethanol, a simple redistillation won't take care of it. Talk to the folks at Still Dragon. They are putting together a system that will turn fuel-grade ethanol into USP beverage quality.

  4. It's got a 5" blower discharge, necked down to 4". We blow tangentially into a bulk bin, sealed the top, and cut a hole that has a pipe that runs to a static dust collector. Hardly any dust at all while milling. I'll try to get a video next time we are running and will shoot it to you. Cheers!

  5. 6 minutes ago, Naked Spirits Distillery said:

    My concern is I am looking a 20+ years. I have not seen many 20+ out there. I read once that Jamison had a break point of about 27 years and that was a climate no where near tropics obviously. 

    Get a hold of Johnny VerPlanck. He can tell you all things about rum. One of the  best in the business.

  6. Recently had some 12 year old stuff from Antigua that was fantastic. Definitely wasn't too much wood so I'd venture to guess past 12 years depending on cooperage.

  7. 80 barrels of Jimmy Red Corn bourbon for sale. Barreled in November 2019 in 53 gal ZAK Cooperage barrels.  Entry proof of 110. Mash bill is 85% jimmy red corn, 12.5% rye, and 2.5% malt. Distilled in IL. $1,800 per barrel for purchases of 5 barrels or less. Price negotiable on larger purchases. FOB Columbia, IL 62236. Contact adam dot stumpf at stumpysspirits dot com or call 618-281-7733 for more info. Cheers!

  8. 1 hour ago, Skaalvenn said:

    We have a liquid/solid separator from Kason.  Price was under $20k shipped and with a custom stainless steel stand.  Works like a dream and it's DEAD silent.  Pump in spent mash on one side and dry grain comes out the other side.  Ok it's not DRY but it's about as close as you could get without applying heat.

    Word of advice, don't let them arrange the freight as they wanted almost $1,000 for shipping when our logistics guy was about $250 including insurance.

    Do you happen to know what size screen/mesh you are running? We picked up a used centri sifter and it has been working well. We are trying to get more solids out of the effluent. We were screen with a 1/32" perforated screen and had too many solids. We have since put a 40 mesh screen (0.0165") screen inside the 1/32" and it takes out many more solids but we do get into the situation where we blind over the screen once and awhile and our grain becomes fairly watery. 

  9. The other reason is to ensure you have enough liquid to generate adequate vapor. Example: if you are running a 20 plate column with high reflux to make vodka and your liquid level in the still becomes low, you may notice that your flow stops before you hit your "tails" cut. This is because you are not generating enough vapor to keep the base of the column pressurized enough to overcome the pressure build up from the plates and dephlegmator. You could reduce the dephlegmator at that point, but you will but up to the same issue shortly after the pressure buildup from the plates overcomes the ability of your pot to generate significant enough pressure to maintain flow again. Obviously, not as big of a deal if you are running a straight pot with no active reflux ability.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Southernhighlander said:

    Below are 2 stills that we just finished up.  They are both 150 gallon Ultra Pro Whiskey stills with Gin baskets.  The top still is a baine marie and the bottom still is a steam fired still.

      Also we are getting very close to offering for sale our long awaited continuous column stills.  We figured out a way to stop the foaming issues that you see with most continuous column stills including the one that was shown in the video that was recently posted to the forum.  Foaming causes inefficiency and because of foaming our competitors must space their plates much farther apart making their stills a great deal taller. Our design is a great deal shorter, more efficient, takes up less space and costs less than those of our competitors.  Our design is very different than conventional designs currently in use, internally but it has a very traditional look.   We will be offering them in 2" diameter up to 36" diameter.  We still have 3 to 4 weeks to go.  We will post pics and video when they are ready.





    That's my still you are referencing, and what you see in the column is beer...not foam. Inefficient is the opposite of what the column in the video is. That still is doing with 9 plates what a Vendome does with 15 on the beer column AND we have done lab distillations the bottoms product at various set points to verify there is no alcohol left in it to prove that. This still doesn't run a traditional seal cup on the downcomer so it runs a deeper liquid bed....in my experience downcomer seal cups can clog with thicker grain-in mashes....especially those high in malt. That's the reason the still was designed without the cups, hence the deeper beds. What you are seeing is not hydraulic flooding or jet flooding; it's equilibrium. I'm guessing your going to put some kind of "entrainment" plate or screen above your plates to keep foam down. Again just a guess but I viewed that as a band-aid to a problem....not a solution. The StillDragon continuous has a solution built inside of it. Please do not philosophize on a still you haven't seen run, haven't tasted product off of, and have no idea how the internals are designed. AND that design has changed A LOT since I shared it with you a few years ago.

    Any questions feel free to call 618-281-7733.


  11. 3 hours ago, Naked Spirits Distillery said:


    I have looked into container storage and am making the assumption that it is the same as a warehouse. I don't think it could be added to the bonded premise because it would have a separate entrance. We all know what happens when we assume something from TTB, but it makes sense that it is treated like a rick house on your property. 

    Yeah, my that was thought since they aren't a "building" then it wouldn't work. They are not fixed to the ground and could technically be moved...though not easy. When amending the DSP and describing the bonded premise in the application, I don't think the TTB would be too thrilled about it. May be worth a call though...

  12. For those that are barrel aging in containers, how are you adding those to your bonded premise on your DSP? Would be nice stop-gap solution while waiting for a barrel warehouse if TTB is good with it.

  13. 3 hours ago, bierling said:

    To be fair though, the other variable at least in terms of the pot still, is the distiller operating the pot. Maybe the distiller was operating the pot very effectively and the blind panel likes heads. 

    Just playing devil’s advocate here ;)

    Certainly possible, but not probable.

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