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Gin Labeling, DSS / Flavored

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It seems like Gin labeling is all over the place.

I've seen - American , Indian , Whatever location

I've seen - Gunpowder Irish Gin, Dry Rye etc

TTB is giving us grief about the ingredient descriptions in the label. How do they get away with something like the dry rye or gunpower without having to call it X flavored (which is long and a little less pleasing to read)


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You could always find an example of the approved labels you mention and ask the TTB specialist how this label got approved and not your label.  You may not get the answer you want, but at least you tried.

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From my experience, they don't like it when you promote a single ingredient since then they assume the predominant flavor is that "non-gin" ingredient flavor and not traditional gin flavored. But they seem ok, if you mention all the ingredients but can do it in a more fanciful way to promote one ingredient over another. Here's an example of what we wrote on our Gin Liqueur label that was our navy strength gin then infused with grapefruit and sugar added. What I proposed on the front: "infused with grapefruit zest" vs what they proposed with some adjustments from me: "made with grapefruit zest and other bold botanicals". I think their rejections are still somewhat vague and not so logical but hopefully this helps.

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Thank you for your suggestions. In your experience do the reviewers change week to week?

 I asked about others.. I mean look at Drumshanbo's Gunpowder Gin. They even have the line Oriental botanicals with gunpowder tea. The lady pushed back immediately saying she can't comment on products in the market. Luckily they gave you all options. Mine just shut me down instantly. 

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I've never heard of a reviewer commenting on another label either. I don't know if the same reviewer is reviewing for each correction. The only other comment I would give us to say somewhere, probably on the back, how it has a classic gin flavor or something so the reviewer doesn't think your special ingredient isn't the dominant flavor.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/3/2024 at 10:11 PM, Kuraokami said:



Thank you for your suggestions. In your experience do the reviewers change week to week?

 I asked about others.. I mean look at Drumshanbo's Gunpowder Gin. They even have the line Oriental botanicals with gunpowder tea. The lady pushed back immediately saying she can't comment on products in the market. Luckily they gave you all options. Mine just shut me down instantly. 

I've had it where it would get denied the first time through, then I tweak it barely, and I got someone else who approved without a problem. Sometimes you just have to snag someone who is having a good day.

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