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To build a steam boiler


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Does anyone have a design for a low pressure steam boiler that could be heated with direct flame diesel burner? I recall somewhere on this forum someone mentioning a beer keg boiler but I can't find any details.


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Can't contribute anything directly, but I love the idea of diesel or waste vegetable oil. Add to that, the current trends in Ethanol Diesel and you're set. Good luck. I'm considering a water jacketed still, which I hope should let me add a diesel burner below.

Curious, are you building or buying a diesel burner. If you are buying, which one are you considering?

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I just want to say that I build everything myself as well, but steam is a dangerous thing. There is a lot more to a steam boiler than one might realize. The problems I see are many, but mainly I don't see a fire inspector or the like approving a home made one for use in a professional distillery. You might want to check before building one.

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Thanks for your safety concerns Absinthe Pete. I have been a volunteer firefighter for over 30 years so I am not going to build something unsafe. I would rather build to a tested design than invent something myself hence the request.

Bastian, I have been using what I call pressure jet diesel burners. They are (were) used in Australia for central heating and swimming pool heating. I have 4 different makes and they all run well on biodiesel with a small amount of tweeking.(smaller jet, more pressure and less air) There are 2 under the still, one in the water heater, one on house heater and one on AGA cooker in house. There are Kroll burners that can use straight waste veg oil but they put out too many BTU's for my current size.

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I can't offer any direct insight on this, but I've scene such a system run by Steve Viezbicke at Boulder Distillery & Clear Spirit Company. Pretty cool set up he's got going over there. I've considered reaching out to him for some sugestions on how to do something similar but haven't done so yet. If I recall correctly, his setup utilizes a single keg/boiler for each 50-100 gallon vessel. the kegs are heated with an electric element and I believe it's a direct steam injection. If I find out more info on this or do any similar experimentation I'll let you know.

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Thanks Lenny, when I get a few minutes I will do a search for their contact details and give them a call.

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