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Problems with my Glycol Pumps

Jake Holshue

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Just venting some frustrations and fishing for some info. We have gone through 3 glycol pumps on our system. 3!!!

What the heck? Is there something I can change to make them last longer? Temperature controls? They are Grundfoss pumps, and what a pain in the ass!!

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To be honest, I am not sure. I think the failures all occur on the electronic side though. Two of the three kept tripping the GFI. I have only been operational since the end of December/begging of January....

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I have ran into alot of failures with grundfoss chopper/silage pumps. Most of the pumps I work on are 10hp and above. I have found that the new pumps are using soft start circuitry that are under the motor inspection plate. And off of that it goes to the pecker head for the line connections. We were sending these out all of the time until I found that circuit. After talking to my motor shop I started bypassing the circuit and haven't had a failure since.

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Depending on the motor characteristics, how the pump is run on the pump curve can cause an overloading state (say deadheading a pump) that can cause the overloads to trip. Multiple occurrences of overload trips can in turn cause either failure of the overloads or the motor windings from the heat buildup.

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Check your input voltages as well. We had a mysterious problem with our #3 process pump on the big chiller. After 3 pump swaps and rebuilds, I finally asked my electrician to have our supply monitored, and it turned out that one phase was dropping more than 40 volts intermittently, which was eating motors. The city did some repairs a block away, and since then we have been good....fingers crossed!

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