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Everything posted by NEPA-still-chillin

  1. Currently I'm just buying Corn meal from the local elevator, I'll have to see what kind they are selling. Better judgment tells me a type of feed corn Is this most likely a dent variety?
  2. Yeah the "Re-Distilled Sprits" is the one the gets me, and I thought maybe since it was "half-finished" in a sense that its Gin Tails and cant really be used for any other production. I thought it would be classified as manufacturing record or some other type of Processing Record, I actually think I'm over thinking it. With how much tails we collect + how often we do gin runs = I will just put them into Storage Account, specially if we have some on hand come mid-month for tax filing. By the way, did the gin run with the twice used botanicals and Gin tails, plus added 4 oz. of Juniper. I know this varies with still size and botanicals, but it came out pretty spot on to our flavor profile, might add a little more Juniper next time
  3. Cool, pretty straight forward. Hopefully I can find our Refrac somewhere so I don't need so much Thanks guys
  4. We are fermenting on grain at my distillery and I've never done a mash like this, Its 100% corn meal, we are using enzymes but once it cools and we pitch I cant seem to get a " Real " SG reading. The liquid is just to thick and has too many dissolved solids in it I feel to get an accurate SG reading. I can use calculators but I still like the old school way of density reading, is there a technique to get this or is this type of brew impossible to read with SG?
  5. We are ramping up production at my distillery and I'm all about " waste not, want not" Firstly which account do these buggers live in? My educated guess would be they stay in Processing, but if I'm collecting enough to use a larger volume in a few runs down the road, maybe Storage, which account do I check them into? Similar to the topic before I will be re-using Vodka heads and tails, Also reusing Gin tails, Anyone try this out before? I'll be running either used or fresh botanicals in the basket, maybe used to level off flavor from a " gin" already in the still? Opinions and critics, join on in!!
  6. Yep Really great helped me out too, Thanks
  7. Good man, thanks so much for taking the time to explain that. Really I mean it, Thank you
  8. Can you use straight Blue corn? Or is this something you use just to add complexity to your Whiskey?
  9. Well said, Kristian is really airing it out. I would say most the time minor things stated above are over looked and not considered by either party. If it was me which it might be in the future, I would get everything in writing. Including your agreement with the DSP and what business you will be doing, and then a plan for overhead. I would make reports and flowcharts of the product so that you can show them that you mean business also that your putting the effort into your product. I once interned at a distillery and they did contract bottling. This was a few years ago so I forget the cost and procedures, but maybe consider finding such a place to ask them questions.
  10. Seems right to me, I've just recently started chipping away at the CFR's
  11. How much does something like this cost? Your just adding another Brand/Trade name to your DSP? I guess your allowed to have multiples? This allows you to bottle/rectify/produce spirits under that Brand Name?
  12. Very good question, I will be looking to do the same in the future. I think it depends on your business relationship, Are you working for this person? Is this person seeking to invest and make money or just help you get on your feet? You can maybe setup a percent based division, ex.70/30 or say "X" amount on every bottle sold. Just shooting in the dark here too, but establish a payment for the first contract, a flat fee. Then once your product is established setup a percentage split or per bottle fee. I think your overhead is Licenses, Label design and marketing, Labels and bottles etc. It could be a bit before you make that back
  13. I for sure feel that the first thing that you should consider is the experience of the person your hiring. Based off that ask them their previous work history and Wage/Salary, then consider the work load and responsibilities and what the Lead Distiller position holds.
  14. 4-6 high with full Barrels is what I'm use to seeing in wineries. That is with correct barrel racks. I have also seen what they call "stillage" where the barrels are stacked upon themselves horizontally and chocked with wood in place
  15. Hi to everyone on ADI Question is.. Does anyone know of any distilling classes located in the Northeast? I`m located in NE Pennsylvania I have worked in wineries for a few years now, and even had a chance to apprentice shortly at a Distillery. I'm very much into my craft and artisan style drink, wine, beer or spirit. To get to the point now that I have some experience in these areas I would like to look into some type of schooling or certification. I have been doing my research and it seems like for a serious beginner that the Kothe distilling classes are a pretty good bang for the buck. But only thing is this location is a little further than I would like to go. I'm young and would like to learn the trade to work for a distillery and then maybe one day look into my own company.
  16. I agree with PA could use more craft distilleries, along with some legislative change What type of partners are you seeking? Lead Distiller, Financer, etc.
  17. Try out Stillwater Spirits in Petaluma, Ca. I know those guys were in that business a few years ago, not sure if they are still into it
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