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Ukraine - Russia's perfidious attack, a chronicle of events


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Iranian ballistic missiles Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar, which Russia can get, will become a big problem and a "headache" for Ukraine.

This statement was made by military expert Oleg Zhdanov.

According to him, these missiles have detachable warheads:

"To date, none of the Western experts have conducted tests in terms of trying to shoot down these missiles ... Theoretically, anti-missile systems should shoot them down, but in practice, how it will look ... As I understand it, we will only be able to see on the battlefield ... We will fight back from these missiles with those missile defense systems, which, perhaps, by this time will be handed over to us by our Western partners," the expert noted.

At the same time, Zhdanov noted, as evidenced by Iran's decision to continue such military cooperation with Russia:

"This shows that Iran has gone for broke, it is ready to give a damn about the nuclear deal. Iran is not going to disarm. It is not going to transfer its nuclear energy under control. It is becoming on a war footing. Iran is choosing the path of confrontation."



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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spoke about today's air defense work in the Kiev direction.

So, according to him, in a month, Ukrainian forces have already shot down 233 Iranian kamikaze drones launched by the terrorist country of the Russian Federation.

Zelensky recalled that today the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak met with representatives of the embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain to strengthen Ukrainian air and missile defense.

"We are working to guarantee the complete security of the Ukrainian skies. We already have significant results: 233 Shahids and dozens of missiles were shot down within a month. Today alone, and only in the Kiev direction, 10 Iranian drones were destroyed. Another 11 Shahids were shot down thanks to to the soldiers of the Air Command "South". I thank you guys for the wonderful work!" Zelensky stressed.

"There are results in other areas as well. But, unfortunately, there are also hits. There is new damage to critical infrastructure. Three energy facilities were destroyed by the enemy that day," the president said.

"Of course, we will do everything possible to restore the normal energy capabilities of our country. But this takes time. And this requires our joint efforts. Tomorrow - even more than before," Zelensky said.

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Since February 24, more than 90 dolphins have been identified in the Odessa region, which died due to the use of sonar by Russian ships.

This was announced at a press conference by the head of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office Sergey Kostenko.

According to him, an investigation is underway under Art. 441 (ecocide) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - on the fact of the mass death of dolphins on the Black Sea coast in the Odessa region.

According to Kostenko, now the investigation knows about 95 dolphins.

"But we understand that there are many more of them," the prosecutor added.

Now specialists have taken samples from 6 corpses, which are sent to specialized institutes in Italy and Germany, which should give an answer about the causes of death of these animals.

The investigation believes that the dolphins died due to the massive use of sonars (sonars) on ships of the Russian Armed Forces. It is believed that these devices damage the hearing organs of dolphins, and this leads to their death.

Also, the relevant documents were sent to Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey, where the facts of the death of dolphins were also recorded.

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Drones on blood.
Why Ukraine does not produce thousands of drones per month and who is to blame.

Taras Troyak
(please turn on subtitles and switch the translation from Russian to English)


The head of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Drone Owners, Taras Troyak, gave a harsh picture of how officials create artificial obstacles to the production of combat drones in Ukraine. In fact, we are talking about sabotage for the sake of personal enrichment and the creation of monopolies for officials who do not care about the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the interests of the state.




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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 20.10 were approximately:


Operational information as of 06.00 20.10.2022 regarding the Russian invasion
Twenty-thirty-nine years of heroic resistance to the Ukrainian national Russian large-scale invasion began.

The enemy tries to control the timely flooding of the territory, zoseredzhu zusilla on the streaming of the Defense Forces on three straight lines, at the same time does not stop trying to conduct offensive actions on the Bakhmutsky and Avdievsky straight lines.
For profit, the Defense Forces brought about the attacks of the occupiers in the areas of settlements in Bilogorivka, Lugansk region; Bakhmut, Bakhmutske, Klischiivka, Krasnohorivka, Novomikhailivka, Nevelske, Opitna and Mar'inka, Donetsk region.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our military troops, closing the line, building engineering control of the defensive positions and borders on the next straight lines and I will check the intelligence. Violating the norms of the International Humanitarian Law, laws and regulations of war, continue strikes on the critical infrastructure and disturbances of the civilian population.
By protyag to finish off the enemy, having launched eleven rocket and twenty air strikes, having fired over sixty five shellings from multiple launch rocket systems.
After hitting the enemy, areas of over twenty-five settlements were recognized. Tse, zokrema, Burshtyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ladyzhyn, Vinnytsia region, Zelenodolsk, Dnipropetrovsk region, Siversk, Slovyansk and Terni in Donechchyna, Znachkov Zaporizkoy region and Davidiv Brid in Kherson region. For their wickedness, the occupiers vicorous crystals, aviation and anti-aircraft ceramic missiles. In addition, the enemy launched over ten unmanned aerial vehicles of the Iranian production “Shahed-136”, over half of them - from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
On Volinsky, Polisky and Siversky, the situation is without any significant changes.
On other lines, the enemy fired on fire:
on Slobozhansky directly - from various-caliber artillery, in the areas of settlements in Goptivka, Gryanykivka, Kolodyazne, Krasna, Ogirtsev and Strilecha, Kharkiv region;
on Kup'yansky and Limansky straight lines - from cannon and rocket artillery, in the areas of settlements in Berestov, Kislivka, Pershotravneve, Kharkiv region; Kovalivka, Novoegorivka, Novolyubivka of the Lugansk region and Zarichne, Terni and Torsk in the Donetsk region;
on Bakhmutsky straight - from tanks and artillery, in the areas of settlements in Andriivka, Bakhmut, Bakhmutsk, Bilogorivka, Zelenopillya, Klishchiivka, Kurdyumivka, Pivnichne, Mayorsk, New York, Soledar and Yakovlivka, Donetsk region;
on Avdіїvskomu directly - from tanks, mortars, cannon and rocket artillery, in the areas of settlements in Avdіїvka, Vodyana, Pervomaisk, Opitne, Krasnohorivka, Marʼїnka and Novomikhailivka of the Donetsk region.
On Novopavlіvskiy and Zaporіzskiy straight lines, the opponent of active offensive actions is not viv. The head of the shelling near the districts of over 20 settlements and all the lines of the zitknennya. Among them are Velyka Novosilka, Vremivka, Vugledar, Zolota Niva of the Donetsk region and Mykilsk, Orikhiv and Chervone Zaporizka.
On Pivdennobuzky straight ahead, the enemy continues to block the defensive positions. To stream the counteroffensive of our military shelling of the population, the points of vzdovzh usієї linії zіtknennya.
For obvious information, the territory of the Lugansk region was occupied in Timchas, and an increase came from the number of mobilizations. Numerical facts and looting and looting are noted. It is not excluded that the number of assigned contingent was significant for the free will.
For earlier information, the military of Iran and the Russian Federation have been sent to the territory of the Russian Federation by radnikov and instructors from the selection of shock UAVs. Zokrema, about the training of operators of the new Shahed-136 and promising Arash-2 UAVs.
Іsnuє vysoka ymovіrnіst zdіysnennya russian occupiers shelling the civilian population of the Kherson region. So, on January 19, on the occupied territory of Timchas, a call was made to call for the evacuation of the population of Novaya Kakhovka at the call for preparation of shelling from the side of the troops of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.
For updated information, as a result of the strikes of the Defense Forces during the rest of the days, the defeat of the enemy’s manpower and equipment in the Zaporizhia region was confirmed - up to 150 servicemen were injured and about 15 units of military equipment were wounded.
Aviation of the Defense Forces lasted for ten strikes. It was confirmed that six districts were attacked by military equipment, as well as several positions of anti-aircraft missile systems of the enemy. The anti-aircraft defense upgrades shot down six cruise missiles, one Ka-52 helicopter and sixteen UAVs, of which fourteen Shahed-136s. Iranian manufacturing.

Підрозділи ракетних військ і артилерії уразили три пункти управління, шість районів зосередження живої сили, озброєння і військової техніки, один склад боєприпасів, станцію РЕБ та шість інших важливих об’єктів, включаючи міст та понтонну переправу противника.

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On the morning of Friday, October 21, Russian troops attacked Zaporozhye with rockets, explosions thundered in the city.

The attack was reported by the head of the Zaporizhia Regional Military Administration Oleksandr Starukh.

The details of the attack were reported by the secretary of the Zaporozhye City Council Anatoly Kurtev.

"Russian monsters again attacked Zaporozhye. Previously, residential buildings and the infrastructure of the city were damaged by enemy strikes. Detailed information about the destruction and victims is being specified. Russia is a terrorist country," said Anatoly Kurtev.

Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko published the first photos from the place of "arrival". The rocket hit a residential building, as a result of the impact, a gas pipe broke through.




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Iran's Spread of UAV Technology Is a Threat That Goes Beyond Ukraine

The United States of America will continue activities to prevent Iran from exporting combat drones to Russia.

According to Voice of America spokesman Ned Price during a press briefing at the State Department on Thursday, Oct. 20 announced the actions that the United States will take to facilitate the supply of Iranian UAVs in Russia and their use in Ukrainian territories.

According to the speaker, the US, along with the EU and the UK, will impose new sanctions on Iranian individuals and entities supporting the Russian war. Ned Price recalled that the US has already imposed sanctions on members of a network of companies and individuals that provide important support to Iran's UAV program.

Ned Price voiced concern about the threat posed by Iranian UAVs outside Ukraine. According to the speaker, "these drones pose a risk and a deadly threat to Ukraine, but the spread of UAV technology by Iran is a threat that goes far beyond Ukraine."

“Our point of view is that we will take all possible measures to prevent Iran's ability to use and export this lethal technology. We act in accordance with US authority. There are UN Security Council resolutions, there is the UN Security Council, there is a UN panel of experts. (...) Therefore, we are going to use all the powers and tools that we have, because we know about the harm and death, the losses that it can cause not only in Ukraine, but also in the region," said Ned Price.

Since the beginning of the Russian full-scale invasion, the US has continued to provide funding and weapons to Ukraine, including for air defense. "We provided 1,400 Stinger surface-to-air missiles, which our Ukrainian partners used effectively," Price commented. "We have allowed countries to provide Ukraine with their own sophisticated air defense systems. One example we have pointed to is the provision by Slovakia of the F 300," Ned Price added.

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Temporary blackouts began in Kyiv and four regions

In the Kyiv region, due to the growth in electricity consumption, temporary shutdowns began.

This was announced by the head of the Kyiv regional military administration Oleksiy Kuleba.

"There is an increase in electricity consumption in the region. In this regard, temporary shutdowns were forced to begin in the region from 9:20," said Alexei Kuleba.

Kuleba urged citizens to be responsible and save electricity totally.

"This applies to everyone. We turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. From kettles to electric heaters. From irons to washing machines. We do not turn on a single energy-intensive device," said Aleksey Kuleba.

In addition, as reported by Ukrenergo, restrictions on the supply of electricity are being introduced in Kyiv and four regions due to an increase in its consumption (cooling weather in Ukraine).

"Due to a sharp increase in the level of electricity consumption, the Ukrenergo Dispatch Center is forced to introduce a temporary controlled limitation of electricity consumption in Kyiv and Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr regions. This will help reduce the load on the power grid and give power engineers time to repair equipment damaged by terrorist attacks" , the message says.

"Your economical energy consumption can help avoid forced shutdowns, remember this," Ukrenergo said.


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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 21.10 were approximately:


Operational information as of 06.00 21.10.2022 regarding the Russian invasion
The two hundred and fortieth doba of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian large-scale invasion began.

The enemy tries to control the timely flooding of the territory, zoseredzhu zusillya on the streaming of the Defense Forces on the other straight lines. At the same time, do not ask for the conduct of offensive actions on Bakhmutsky and Avdievsky straight lines.
Over the past few minutes, the Defense Forces have brought back the attacks of the Russian occupiers in the areas of the settlements of Bilogorivka, Luhansk region; Opitne, Bakhmut, Pobeda ta Mar'inka, Donetsk region.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our military troops, closing the line and I will check the intelligence. Violating the norms of the International Humanitarian Law, laws and regulations of war, continue strikes on the critical infrastructure and disturbances of the civilian population.
In a short time, finish off the enemy by launching 3 missiles and 24 air strikes, firing over 30 shellings from RSZV.
The prophetic blows were recognized by the districts of over 15 settlements. Among them - Mykolaiv; Nova Kamyanka and Mala Seydeminukha of the Kherson region and Gatishche in the Kharkiv region.
For their wickedness, the guards used crilates and anti-aircraft kerosene rockets. In addition, the enemy launched over 20 unmanned aircraft of the Iranian production “Shahed-136”.
In Volinsky, Polisky and Siversky, the situation is left without any significant changes.
On other lines, the enemy fired on fire:
on Slobozhansky straight - from tanks, mortars and cannon artillery, in the areas of settlements in Staritsa, Krasne and Khatn;
on Kupyansky and Limansky straight lines - from cannon and rocket artillery, in the areas of settlements in Berestov, Zarichna, Nova, Pershotravneve Stelmakhivka, Terni and Yampolivka;
on Bakhmutsky straight - from tanks and artillery, in the areas of settlements in Andriivka, Bakhmut, Bakhmutsk, Bilogorivka, Zelenopillya, Spirna, Ivangrad and Yakovlivka;
on Avdіїvskomu directly - from tanks, mortars, cannon and rocket artillery, in the areas of settlements in Vodyana, Marʼїnka, Novomikhailivka, Pervomaysk and Semenivka.
On Novopavlivsky and Zaporisky straight lines, the enemy fired at the areas of Vremivka, Vugledar, Dorozhnyanka, Neskuchny, Novodanilivka and Stepova.
On Pivdennobuzkyi, a direct line of fire damage, areas of up to 20 settlements were recognized in the vzdovzh line of the city. More than 20 types of UAVs of various types were created for the investigation of the investigation of the occupiers.
According to obvious information, the territory of the Kherson region was flooded in Timchas, for more money and more money on the line, there were up to 2000 cases from the number of Russian mobilizations. At the same time, the occupation authorities saw the order about the preparation of evacuation for the so-called “banking institutions”, prepared evacuation lists of imported Russian medical practitioners and teachers. Objects of the humanitarian sphere in Kherson attach to the robot.
For clarified information, over 30 injured people arrived at the settlement of Melitopol, Zaporizhia region, one hour after the fire, commanded by the Defense Forces of Ukraine.
Ukrainian aviation has done 5 strikes for a long time. Confirmed the defeat of 3 strongholds and districts of the defense of military equipment and 2 positions of enemy anti-aircraft missile systems. Pіdrozdіli protipovіtryanoї defense shot down 15 UAVs.
Warriors of missile troops and artillery struck 4 command posts, 7 districts of manpower, military equipment, ammunition depot, anti-aircraft guns, and a pontoon crossing of the enemy.

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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 22.10 were approximately:


Operational information as of 18.00 on 22.10.2022 regarding the Russian invasion
The two hundred and forty-first day of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian nation to the large-scale Russian invasion continues.
The enemy is trying to hold the temporarily captured territories, concentrates its efforts on restraining the actions of the Defense Forces in certain directions, at the same time, it does not stop trying to conduct offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiiv directions.
During the current day, units of the Defense Forces repelled the attacks of the occupiers in the areas of the settlements of Bakhmut, Ozaryanivka, and Odradivka of the Donetsk region.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our troops along the contact line and conducting aerial reconnaissance. The enemy again resorted to massive shelling of critical infrastructure and civilian homes, violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, the laws and customs of warfare.
During the current day, the occupiers launched 40 missile strikes and launched 16 Iranian-made "Shahed-136" attack UAVs. Our defenders managed to shoot down 20 cruise missiles and 11 UAVs.
Energy and critical infrastructure facilities in the Volyn, Rivne, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Kirovohrad, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, and Mykolaiv regions were hit by enemy attacks.
The situation in the Volyn and Polissky directions has not changed significantly.
The enemy shelled in other directions:
in the Seversky direction - from mortars and barrel artillery, in the areas of settlements of Bachivsk, Starykove, Gudove, Atynske, Basivka and Yunakivka of the Sumy region;
in the Slobozhansk direction - from mortars, barrel and rocket artillery, in the areas of Mala Vovcha, Krasne Pershe, Berestov and Kamianka settlements of the Kharkiv region;
in the Bakhmut direction - from tanks and artillery of various types, in the areas of Soledar, Bakhmutske, Bakhmut, Bilogorivka, Spirne, Zelenopillia, Klishchiivka and Mayorsk;
in the Avdiivka direction - from tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the Avdiivka, Vesely, Krasnohorivka, Maryinka, Novomykhailivka, and Pervomaisky districts.
On the Novopavlivskyi and Zaporizhia directions, the enemy carried out artillery shelling in the areas of the settlements of Vremivka in the Donetsk region, Dorozhnyanka, Stepnohirsk and Orihiv in the Zaporizhia region, and Dobra Nadiya in the Dnipropetrovsk region. He also launched a missile attack on the city of Nikopol.
In the South Buz direction, the enemy fired at military and civilian infrastructure. Areas of more than 20 settlements near the contact line were damaged by fire.
Separate units of the Russian occupation forces continue to leave the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region. At the same time, cases of looting and robbery of local residents have become more frequent. According to available information, the enemy has completely left the settlements of Charivne and Chkalove, and officers and medical personnel have been evacuated from Berislav.
The number of cases of looting and illegal actions in the city of Kherson has increased. The occupiers seize cars from the local population and try to leave the city with the help of a ferry crossing in the area of the Antonivsky Bridge.
The practice of placing enemy units in the premises of educational institutions in the temporarily occupied territory of the Zaporizhia region continues. At the same time, the educational process of children of local residents continues.
According to detailed information, as a result of the strikes of the Defense Forces during the last few days, it was confirmed that the enemy's manpower and equipment were damaged in the Zaporizhzhia region. About 200 servicemen were killed, more than 150 were wounded. An ammunition warehouse and 10 units of weapons and military equipment were also destroyed.
Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out ten strikes during the current day. The defeat of nine areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, as well as the position of the enemy's anti-aircraft missile system, was confirmed. Air defense units shot down one enemy helicopter.
During the current day, military personnel of the missile forces and artillery hit the control post, two areas of concentration of manpower, weapons and military equipment, and one ammunition depot of the enemy.

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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 23.10 were approximately:


Operational information as of 06.00 on 10/23/2022 regarding the Russian invasion
The two hundred and forty-second day of the Ukrainian nation's heroic resistance to the Russian large-scale invasion has begun.

The enemy is trying to hold the temporarily captured territories, concentrates its efforts on restraining the actions of the Defense Forces in certain directions, at the same time, it does not stop trying to conduct offensive actions in the Bakhmut and Avdiiv directions.
Over the past 24 hours, units of the Defense Forces repelled the attacks of the occupiers in the areas of the settlements of Bakhmut, Bakhmutske, Ivangrad, Maryinka, Soledar, Ozaryanivka, Odradivka in the Donetsk region and Belogorivka in the Luhansk region.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our troops along the contact line and conducting aerial reconnaissance. Last day, the Russian occupiers again resorted to massive shelling of critical infrastructure and civilian housing, violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, laws and customs of war. More than half of cruise missiles and attack UAVs were shot down by the Defense Forces of Ukraine.
In total, over the past day, the invaders launched 32 missile and 25 air strikes, carried out more than 80 attacks from rocket salvo systems.
Energy and critical infrastructure facilities in the Volyn, Rivne, Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi, Kirovohrad, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhya, Odesa, and Mykolaiv regions were hit by enemy attacks.
The situation in the Volyn and Poliske directions has not changed significantly.
The enemy shelled in other directions:
in the Seversky direction - from mortars and barrel artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Gudove and Khodyna of the Chernihiv region and Seredyna Buda, Vovkivka and Yunakivka of the Sumy region;
in the Kupyansk and Lymansk directions - from mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Kolodyazne, Kotlyarivka, Kislivka of the Kharkiv region, Stelmakhivka of the Luhansk region, and Zarichne and Terna in the Donetsk region;
in the Bakhmut direction - from tanks and artillery of various calibers, in the areas of Andriivka, Bakhmutske, Bakhmut, Vesele, Zelenopilya, Klishchiivka, Mayorsk, Kurdyumivka, Ozaryanivka, Opytne, Soledar and Yakovlivka settlements of the Donetsk region;
in the Avdiyiv and Zaporizhia directions - from tanks, mortars, barrel and jet artillery, in the areas of the settlements of Avdiivka, Vremivka, Velyka Novosilka, Vugledar, Novobakhmutivka, Neskuchne in Donetsk region, and Dorozhnyanka and Orihiv in the Zaporizhia region.
In the South Buz direction, the enemy shelled the military and civilian infrastructure of more than 20 settlements near the contact line. Among them are Bezymenne, Biloghirka, Davidiv Brid, Novogrigorivka, Novoukrainka, Partizanske, Pravdyne and Chervona Dolyna.
According to detailed information, the destruction of enemy personnel and equipment in the previous days has been confirmed:
in Nova Kakhovka, Kherson Region, as a result of the damage to the location of the invaders, 6 units of weapons and military equipment were destroyed and up to 150 servicemen were injured;
in the Zaporizhzhia region, 5 units of weapons and military equipment were destroyed and about 100 servicemen were injured. Information about the dead occupiers is being clarified.
Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 17 strikes during the past day. It has been confirmed that 15 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment, as well as two positions of the enemy's anti-aircraft missile systems, have been destroyed. Air defense units shot down one Ka-52 helicopter and 3 Orlan unmanned aerial vehicles.
Over the past 24 hours, military personnel of the missile forces and artillery hit three control points, six areas of concentration of manpower, weapons and military equipment, an ammunition depot and five other important enemy facilities, including one radar station.

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If Russia blows up the Kakhovka dam, it will be able to delay the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for several weeks, and Crimea and the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant will also be left without water.

This was stated in an interview by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kirill Budanov.

“It is partially mined, it’s true. Well, it’s very difficult to evaluate the stupidity of the Russians (readiness to go on such a terrorist attack) with some kind of logic. to do - what will they lose and what will they gain? And secondly: you can partially blow up the dam, or you can completely. So, to blow it up completely, such work has not been carried out. Mining has been carried out partially for partial destruction, if necessary. To destroy such a level of construction, we need dozens of tons of explosives, properly located," Kirill Budanov said.

Budanov also stressed that undermining the dam will flood the left bank of the Kherson region, and this terrorist attack will bring more problems to the Russians than good.

"They will even theoretically lose the possibility of supplying water to the North Crimean Canal, to the Crimea, until we rebuild the dam, and it will take a very long time. is inextricably linked with it, and of course they will make it difficult for us to advance for a certain period of time, and this, by the way, is not a very long period of time, about two weeks.

But they will be forced to retreat directly to the Crimea. In other words, if you produce continuous destruction, then the scenario is as follows. Are they ready for it? I think not," the head of the GUR explained.

The threat of undermining the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

Russia, suffering failures at the front, threatens to blow up the Kakhovka reservoir and plans to blame Kyiv for the attack.

According to the President of Ukraine, more than 80 settlements, including Kherson, may be under the threat of flooding.


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Ukraine has serious work to do to restore critical infrastructure.

After Russia's massive attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, some of the damaged facilities are more expedient to build anew than to restore.

This was stated by the head of the board of NPC "Ukrenergo" Volodymyr Kudrytsky, RBC reports.

"Everything is subject to repair and restoration, the only question is the timing. There are objects that can be restored in a few days, there are those that can be restored in weeks, and there are - in months," he said.

Kudritsky stressed that Ukraine has serious work to do to restore critical infrastructure.

"This still needs to be assessed, but it would be more expedient to rebuild some facilities than to restore them. So our network will become more modern, since no one will rebuild using old technologies," the head of Ukrenergo added.
Russia's attack on the energy system of Ukraine:

On the morning of October 10, Russia launched attacks on a number of regions of Ukraine. In particular, explosions were heard in Vinnitsa, Lvov, Kirovograd, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Ternopil, Zhytomyr, Kyiv regions. Hits on critical infrastructure facilities have been recorded.

The mayor of the capital, Vitali Klitschko, said that due to Russian shelling, schedules for emergency shutdown of power supply to consumers in Kyiv and the region are applied.

The president's office urged Ukrainians from 17:00 to 22:00 to limit electricity consumption.



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The vast majority of Ukrainian citizens surveyed support the continuation of the armed struggle, despite Russian missile strikes.

This is evidenced by the results of the all-Ukrainian public opinion poll "Omnibus", conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on October 21-23.

According to the survey, despite Russian shelling that destroys infrastructure and takes lives, 86% of respondents answered that the armed struggle should still be continued, even if the shelling continues. In particular, among them 71% fully agree with this opinion (the remaining 15% rather agree).

Only 10% of respondents answered that it is necessary to start negotiations in order to stop the shelling as soon as possible, even if they have to make concessions to Russia (6% answered that it is necessary to start negotiations "quickly", and 4% - that it is necessary to "completely" start negotiations) . Another 4% found it difficult to answer.

In addition, the need to continue the struggle is supported by 88% of respondents in the west of Ukraine, 89% in the center, 86% in the south and 69% in the east.

At the same time, among the respondents who chose Russian for the interview, the vast majority (66%) also believe that armed resistance should continue, even if the shelling continues, and only 29% believe that negotiations should be started, even if you have to make concessions .

Among those who answered in Ukrainian, 89% of those polled are in favor of continuing the struggle.

KIIS Deputy Director Anton Grushetsky noted that "the nationwide pain from losses and destruction does not intimidate people, but is channeled" into anger and anger at enemies.

"The Ukrainian people maintain strong unity and stability and are ready to continue the fight until victory," Anton Grushetsky said.

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Russia's alleged concerns about Ukraine's use of a "dirty bomb" are patently false.

This was stated by the representative of the National Security Council Adrienne Watson in a comment to CNN.

"We reject reports of blatantly false allegations by Minister Shoigu that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own soil. The world will consider any attempt to use this accusation as a pretext for escalation," Watson said.

In addition, the US is watching very closely any information that Russia has a specific plan to blow up the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station.

 Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that Ukraine could allegedly arrange provocations using a "dirty bomb".

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Shoigu arranged a "telephone carousel", calling the defense ministers of NATO states. According to Zelensky, only Putin can use nuclear weapons in Europe.

Today Shoigu requested a phone call with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Details of this conversation were not disclosed.

Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, commenting on the accusations of the Russian Federation, invited UN and IAEA monitoring missions to Ukraine and demanded compliance with 4 points of the Budapest Memorandum.

Reznikov recalled that since 2014 Russia has repeatedly used such tactics.

“After February 24, Russia openly threatened to use nuclear weapons. In the spring, it deliberately provoked the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and now it is blackmailing the world with the catastrophe at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant. Its missiles pose a danger to other nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Unlike Moscow, Ukraine has always been extremely responsible in issues of nuclear safety. Our nuclear facilities are open to the IAEA even today. It is elementary to make sure that Russian statements are nonsense," the minister stressed.

Reznikov stressed that the best response to Russian accusations should be decisive steps to increase pressure on the criminal terrorist regime in Moscow, as well as active assistance to Ukraine with funds that will quickly clear the Ukrainian land of misfortune so that no one would even think of committing a nuclear crime. in Europe.

"Not as a minister, but as a citizen, I would like to note the following: the attitude towards the land in Ukraine has always been special. Today, from the reaction of our soldiers and all our people, I see how sincerely they strive to free the Ukrainian land from Russian dirt. From shells, remnants of equipment, garbage , which the Russian hordes leave behind. This is not even a military one - this is a mental need, "Reznikov wrote.

At the same time, he added that it is impossible even theoretically to imagine that Ukraine is capable of doing something that can cause long-term pollution of Ukrainian land, because "this is nonsense."

Reznikov thanked the partners who adequately perceive this dangerous Russian chatter."


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The Russian occupiers will not just hand over Kherson and are preparing for street fighting.

This opinion was expressed by Major General of the SBU in the reserve Viktor Yagun on the air of the Espresso TV channel.

“Very specific Russian troops remain in Kherson - these are paratroopers and marines, which are reinforced by mobilized ones. And this suggests that the enemy wants to arrange some interesting things, I won’t say Stalingrad, rather street battles in order to drag Ukraine into confrontation for a long time and use their specific knowledge," Yagun said.

The general noticed that the Russians cleared Kherson from the local population for this, so that there would be no information about these troops. At the same time, the rashists will change into civilian clothes in order to enter the rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and carry out sabotage, Yagun believes.

"Some of our fighters, who were trained in the UK, studied to clean up large cities and fight in large conglomerates, therefore, I do not exclude that it is these units that will clean up our Kherson from enemy gangs, because it will be difficult to call them troops," Yagun noted.

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The laurels of the Kapranov brothers selling their script to Netflix keep me awake.  :)

But there is no time to write a script, so here I will tell one plot that has been spinning in my head for a couple of months - "Dance of Mirrors" (once there was such a novel by the incomparable Lois McMaster Bujold).

So, imagine that the conflict between the "towers of the Kremlin" comes out into the public space in the form of a parade of doppelgangers. A bunch of Putin's doppelgängers appear, each with its own "tower". And in different places.
One Putin, with the support of the FSB, appears in St. Petersburg, and the FSB certifies his authenticity, which is signed by many officers with whom he once served. Another Putin is sitting in Moscow, and the FSO definitely confirms that this is exactly the Putin they have been guarding for many years, and all the others are doubles. Another Putin is announced in the Urals, the oligarchs close to him know for sure that this one is real. At the same time, Kadyrov declares that the real Putin is in Grozny under the protection of his loyal troops, because there is treason in the country, and the infidels want to replace Putin.
Rosgvardiya also has its own Putin, and as the only real Putin, Rosgvardiya will protect him from the influx of doppelgangers. Each Putin speaks through the channels he can reach and accuses the rest of treason and inauthenticity.

This would be the plot! :) Whoever writes and screens the script, don't forget to thank me in the credits. :)
Don't laugh and say it can't be. Because, first of all, Russia has proven that it is capable of making Orwell and Pelevin a reality. Secondly, there is a very strong effect of track dependence, which I have written about many times. Both the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century and the numerous uprisings of the following centuries demonstrate exactly this pattern of the "false king".
So if all this becomes a reality, I'm asking for 5% of the Nobel Prize -- whether for literature or medicine, I don't know.

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Inside the U.S. Effort to Arm Ukraine

Since the start of the Russian invasion, the Biden Administration has provided valuable intelligence and increasingly powerful weaponry—a risky choice that has paid off in the battle against Putin.
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Kadyrov urged to destroy the cities of Ukraine: "They are trying to put us on our feet"

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, admitted that the war in Ukraine did not go according to Moscow's plan, and called for the destruction of Ukrainian cities in response to alleged shelling of the Russian border.
(Kadyrov is telling a lie. Ukrainian troops do not fire on Russian territory, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has repeatedly reported this.)

“The war is already going on on our territory. I am very dissatisfied with this. We have already declared martial law, but the Ukrainians are shooting. And we, in my opinion, weakly answer: if a shell has landed on our house, we must wipe Ukrainian cities off the face of the Earth so that we can see the distant horizon," Kadyrov said.

Kadyrov complained that the West unleashed a cold war against Russia 10 years ago, and now "they are trying in every possible way to destroy Russia or put it on its feet (Kadyrov's original quote) so that we become slaves."

"They should be shot. I give Ramzan Kadyrov's word: we will destroy them, no matter how many there are," Kadyrov replied, adding that "Muslims and Christians must redouble their efforts and destroy this Satanism."

At the end, Kadyrov addressed the Russian reservists:
"That's not enough. There are almost 1.6 million of us. Age doesn't matter, you should be in the military registration and enlistment offices. Why are you sitting at home if your son tells you: men protect family values, religion, the state there?" - Putin's friend asked.

The overthrow of Putin's power

In recent months, against the background of repeated defeats of the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield, talk of a change in the Putin regime in Russia has become more frequent.

The confrontation between Russian Defense Ministry officials and private military companies represented by Prigozhin reached a new level when Kadyrov called for General Lapin to be sent to the front to "wash away the blood of soldiers."

Kadyrov's words were publicly supported by Prigozhin, who is actively recruiting convicts to the front.

So far, nothing threatens Putin within the Kremlin walls, but if Russia does not make progress in Ukraine by the spring of 2023, the Russian president will have problems, Reuters writes.

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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02 to 25.10 were approximately:


Operational information as of 06.00 25.10.2022 regarding the Russian invasion
The 244th anniversary of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian nation to the Russian large-scale invasion began.

The enemy tries to reduce the timely flooding of the territory, improve the tactful position, zoseredzhu zusillya on the streaming action of the Defense Forces on the next straight lines, at the same time conducting offensive actions on the Bakhmutsky and Avdievsky straight lines.
Over the past minute, the Defense Forces of Ukraine have carried out attacks by occupiers in the areas of settlements in Bilogorivka, Lugansk region and Bakhmut, Bilogorivka, Verkhnokamyansk, Ivangrad, Klishchiivka, Spirna, Soledar, Mar’ynka and Nevelsk, Donetsk region.
The enemy is shelling the positions of our military troops, closing the line and I will check the intelligence. For a long time, finish off the enemy by launching missile and air strikes on the infrastructure and disturbances of the civilian population, violating the norms of International Humanitarian Law, and the law of war.
Zagal, behind the front doba, the occupiers launched 3 missiles and 12 air strikes, fired over 60 shelling from multiple launch rocket systems.
The prophetic blows were recognized by the objects of the civil infrastructure of the settlements in Vugledar and Neskuchne, Donetsk region, Nova Kamyanka, Kherson region and Mykolaiv.
On Volynsky and Polisky straight away, the situation is without substantive changes. The threat of launching missile and air strikes against the critical infrastructure of our State from the territory of the Republic of Belarus, including from the strike UAVs of the Iranian military, is being protected.
On other lines, the enemy fired on fire:
On the Siversky straight line - from mortars and cannon artillery, in the areas of settlements in Senkivka, Chernigivsk region and Rozhkovichi, Sosnivka and Velika Pisarivka, Sumy region.
on Slobozhansky straight - from tanks, mortars, cannon and rocket artillery, in the areas of settlements in Veterinary, Vilhuvatka, Vovchansk, Dvorichna, Kam'yanka, Krasne, Staritsa, Strilecha, Khatnє and Chuhunivka, Kharkiv region;
on Kupyansky and Limansky direct lines - from tanks and artillery, in the areas of settlements in Kislivka, Kharkiv region, Nevsky and Stelmakhivka, Luhansk region, Berestov, Zarichna, Terni, Torsk and Yampolivka in Donechchyna;
on Bakhmutsky straight - from tanks, mortars, cannon and rocket artillery in the areas of settlements in Andriivka, Bakhmutsk, Bakhmut, Bilogorivka, Vesele, Ivangrad, Kurdyumivka, Mayorsk, Opitne, Soledar and Yakovlivka, Donetsk region;
on Avdіїvskomu directly - from tanks and various-caliber artillery, in the areas of settlements in Vodyane, Krasnohorіvka, Mar'їnka and Pervomaisk;
on Novopavlіvskiy and Zaporіzskiy straight lines - from tanks, mortars, cannon and rocket artillery, in the areas of settlements in Vremіvka, Vugledar, Neskuchne, Novosilka, Pavlivka, Donetsk region and Zeleny Gay, Novoandrivka, Olhіvske, Stepovy Zaporikovy, Chervone and Chervone
On Pivdennobuzkyi, a fire brigade was directly recognized in the districts of over 20 settlements. Among them are Bilogirka, Davidiv Brid, Mirne, Dry Stavok and Ternovi Pody.
According to obvious information, the enemy has a regional defensive position on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region. So, in the area of the settlement of Gornostaivka, engineer-engineers and sappers led the Russian occupation troops to carry out a bypass of the coastal line, blocking a small passage for a potential access to their troops from the right bank.
Try to come in to evacuate the local residents from Timchas-occupied Kherson. From the right-bank part of the city, in the settlements of Genichesk and Skadovsk, the staff of all banks and the occupant administration were owned. Stolen possession of Internet providers. Evacuations are carried out by representatives of operational services and medical personnel. The financing of schoolchildren and the provision of food for children at schools has been attached. The number of robberies of the city dwellers and the rampant looting grew.
In the population point of Lvov, to replace the evacuated collaborators, transfer military servicemen from the number of mobilized workers.
For clarified information, for the rest of the days it was confirmed the reduction of five units of military equipment and up to 110 military servicemen of the occupational troops in Zaporizky and Kherson regions.
Aviation of the Defense Forces, stretching past the doby, gave over 30 strikes. It was confirmed that 22 districts were attacked and military equipment of the enemy, 5 ammunition depots and positions of 9 anti-aircraft missile systems of the enemy. On different routes, our anti-aircraft defense units shot down 3 Ka-52 Aligator helicopters, a Su-24M bomber, 2 Orlan-10 UAVs and Shahed-131 UAVs of the enemy.
Missile troops and artillery over the past doba defeated 6 areas of manpower, fired and military equipment, 2 ammunition depots, an anti-aircraft missile system, the Zoo radar station and 2 other important enemy targets.

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Since February 24, Russia has attacked Ukraine, many cities of Ukraine have been destroyed.

Because of the war, I lost my business in Ukraine, if you want to help me and my family,

my Paypal is: Alex.Sor.2022@gmail.com

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Strike on the city of Dnipro: a pregnant woman was burned alive in a car near the Auto Gas Station, which was hit by a Russian missile.

In the city of Dnipro, a pregnant woman burned to death in a car on the territory of a gas station, which was hit by an enemy missile on the evening of October 25.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

“The night strike claimed the lives of a pregnant woman and a man. The Russians attacked the Dnieper with a rocket. A fire broke out at a gas station. A pregnant woman who drove into the gas station was burned alive in the car. The car wash operator also died,” the report says.

It is noted that the missile attack destroyed the gas station and cars parked on its territory.


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