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Boiler piping


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Most, if not all, local codes prohibit the use of galvanised for steam. Make sure you check with your local boiler inspector or state Labor & Industries department before making an installation of this kind.

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Get a NEW installer!!!!! We also own and opperate an oil & propane company in Maine, the person should have known the basics..... Steam and galvi don't mix and yes make sure you look I to the codes. Most states differ a small bit on things so make sure for yourself.

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galvanization of steel is a poison, if you dont remove it before welding, it will kill you in a closed unventilated space. heating it up with steam sounds pretty similar. i know a master pipe fitter who told me this about the oil industry in texas. He was teaching me how to weld and i was about to practice on my first few steel parts and one was galvanized and he told me it would turn green and kill me. I believe he mentioned phausine gas? not sure if I spelled that right. its been probably 8-9 years since he told me, but look into that.

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Thanks for all the feedback . I should have just googled the question in general first, as it is really a boiler question vs specific to distilling. Apparently the issue is that the acids given off in the steam process negatively interact with the zinc in the galvanization. It's essentially a sacrificial coating that reacts badly with steam byproduct.

I was looking at it for the coating, vs painting black iron pipe.

Oh well, engine paint it is.

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