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The Distillery Nation Podcast


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Hi folks,

About a year ago I decided to start on a small Greek distillery in the United States. With all the lessons and difficulties along the way the podcast came alive, its was a way for me to connect with the folks behind the craft distillery movement and learn a few things along the way.

Give it a listen, and let me know what you think.

You can also listen to it via Sound Cloud and Stitcher Radio if you are on Android or the web.


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Hi Bluestar,

Is your iTunes account in the United States for Country/Region under your account info. I just tested my iTunes yesterday and worked.

Thanks for taking the time to look into this.


Yes, it is under United States.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ilias, ive listened to a few of the podcasts and they are good. Well produced, informative and insightful. Keep up the good work and best of luck with your venture

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Hi Ilias

I really like what you are doing. The show is getting at some good information and provides some real insights for the novice like me. The one with Captive Spirits and the most recent one were my favourites. My only criticism (that comes after binge listening to all of them) is that the questions you use are the same every episode. I would suggest you need to find a way of extracting the same info via different questions are in a more free flowing style. But i do have to congratulate you on the series - one of the key learnings for me is that each person knows their weak points well and they have developed a way to get around this, normally by surrounding themselves with people that compliment them.


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Thanks for the feedback and your time in listening all of the episodes. In regards to the monotony of the questions, I knew this was going to be an issue but honestly I'm trying to find my own voice.

I hope as the podcast evolves my interview skills will become better and thus the flow of the questions will change but until then I have to stick to a structured interview to avoid total boredom :)


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