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Posts posted by whiskeytango

  1. On 10/25/2017 at 8:57 AM, Dry River Distillers said:

    Can someone who has one line out the requirements for a flammable cabinet?  I heard 18 ga steel?  What else?


    Depends on your location.  Some require automatic heat sensitve closing doors.  As much as it might suck your local fire marshal is going to have all these answers for you. You might not like his answers but unfortunately the local law is the law you go by. Or you fight him tooth and nail and forever have a fire marshal that is looking for something to bust you on.  

  2. 1 hour ago, richard1 said:

    Interesting one because you need to barrel at 60%.  You have not indicated your wash ABV.  I think it is a big ask on a four plate column.


    Additionally there is going to be a high reflux required which potentaially will be stripping flavour.

    I don't think there is any rule that you have to barrel at 60%. However there is a rule that you can not barrel over 62.5%.  


    whisky  produced at not exceeding 160° proof, and if stored in oak containers stored at not more than 125° proof in used


  3. 1 minute ago, MGL said:

    Are we talking about DYE or some printing company?

    Currently some random printing company previously Dye.  Back on topic from here on out. 

  4. 1 hour ago, indyspirits said:

    So what do you think the problem was?? Pirated software or inferior inks??

    The problem was neither,  It was no one did a press check.  Ink doesn't come in ever color under the rainbow it has to be mixed like you would paint for your house.  Its easy to get it slightly off my missing on your ratio of colors.  

  5. 10 minutes ago, Ozman said:

    Take colour for example. We got a bunch of prototypes (Packing) made and designed in China and the final result was what we were after. When they went to production, the colour that was specified was off, as they used a second provider to help meet deadlines. What  occurred, when they gave them the files, they put it in their system,  but the colours didnt match what was being outputted at the printer in the pantone colour system. It resulted in two batches of packaging - one that was good from the original supplier, and the second from the other supplier that was way off as the second supplier had pirated software to cut down costs and inferior printing inks. Not a big issue for small orders, but a few thousand later, it can be a very expensive outcome. Just pays to do due diligence with Chinese providers on any works over seas.Hope this helps :)

    Most likely it was the ink and not the software. The pantone colors are set in the programs regardless of if its pirated its just a number value. There should have been a press check before you went to print with them.   Press checks are very common no matter what software people run because the ink can vary from batch to batch the software doesn't change.  

  6. 1 hour ago, Lotusland49p said:

    Good luck with your dealings, I would buy from 096 Stills if your in Canada or Affordable if your in the US - as DYE will make promises - but never live up to them,  you may get lucky as their image is tarnished and they may try to redeem themselves with your build, then go back to making promises that they will fail to deliver on. What they do is if another order comes in that is larger you get bumped. but they will keep collecting customers money and you may or may not get your equipment in the time that you want. it has been proven they have directly stolen from reputable factories in China.  as well there sales staff have no idea how Distillery equipment works. they will say they are in the Hospital or any other excuse that comes to mind - they will say anything to get your money then it is all a crap shoot after that.

    Man Lotusland49p Its almost like your a rep for 096 stills.  You sure do love them.   

    As far as Dye they have been great to deal with. Answered all questions and do have a very firm grasp on distilling principals with the ability to answer all questions.  

    And you constant crying about if they get a larger order they do that first.  Well if you ever sell anything and you have the choice between filling a 26 gallon milk tank order or a 450 gallon still what would you do first?  

    If anyone wants to know about their facility feel free to PM me as i have been to visit it.  

  7. I'v seen both types of set ups.  

    1 running water from the main condenser back into the dephlegmator so your getting a warm water into it 


    2 running fresh water (cold) into it and just running very little so that the water warms up in the dephlegmaor  


    Anyone have any pros or cons for each? 



  8. 5 hours ago, PeteB said:

    The answer for this blend does clearly show shrinkage, but it is not the most common type of diluting done in a distillery.

    More often the question would be: How much water do I need to add to bring the proof down to 80?

    Meerkat could you show these calculations please.

    As Tom said above use mass not volume for your measurements then you don't have to do temperature calculations. 

    I have done TTB calculations in the past and sometimes it is easier to understand and calculate if it it done in volume at 60f, but at the end convert back to mass for actual measurement.

    Yes very true,  your request is much more common.  

    What i would like is a formula that lets me take a density reading and determine that i have X proof alcohol.  Then i would like to add an exact amount of water then take a new density reading showing a lower proof because of the water i added.   Then i would love to be able to have something that says i have an unknown volume of X proof that i add a known volume of water to and also have a final proof.   So by using the change in proof and the known quality of water added determine my total volume of spirit at the final proof.  


     Does that make sense?  

  9. 30 minutes ago, PeteB said:

    Download TTB tables, they are free, then a bit of high-school math and you will have the correct answer.

    The actual formula is a monster and I don't have it, except in the background of Alcodens program

    Will the ttb tables actually account for the shrinkage of liquid when you combine alcohol and water?  Iv never seen this listed on their tables. 


  10. 3 hours ago, Singlemalt007 said:

    Your assuming that I meant the posters were liars. Did you ever consider maybe just maybe Corson was and are the ones telling lies and maybe just maybe I wanted to keep this at the forefront to prevent others from giving them any of their hard earned money.??

    First of all I assumed noting,  and second you still haven't said anything as to how you know so much.  So again i ask what is your experience with this still maker? 



  11. 35 minutes ago, ChrisSD said:

    Hey @whiskeytango we have a customer that does their fermentations in single wall fermenters within a fully temperature controlled room.  I'm not sure if they want me mentioning their name, but they say it works out wonderfully!!

    Well if they would be into answering any questions please point them my way.  Always like to hear how things really are working out.  


  12. 7 minutes ago, Alaskan Spirits LLC said:

    I have contacted Dave.  Did you use use pay the hourly or the full fee?  I am thinking I can fill the application out quicker, and then have him approve it but not sure the easiest here.  Thanks for the referral!  What was the TTB running on time frame when you applied and how quickly did yours go through?

    I also noticed through the online tutorial it stated all construction had to be finished prior to applying.  I was going to use the "waiting" time to do all our construction.  It is mostly done, but painting, decorating, and a few minor construction pieces.  I am assuming all construction that needs to be shown on diagrams must be finished or did you have your whole facility done once you applied?

    THANKS AGAIN to everyone - I feel like I have a whole advisory board!  

    Dave just did a flat fee for us. 

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