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Ukraine - Russia's perfidious attack, a chronicle of events


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On the night of September 20, 2023, the enemy used "Shahed-136/131" type UAVs.
🛬 In total, the launches of several groups of attack UAVs (according to preliminary data, about 24) were recorded from the south-eastern and northern directions.
💥 As a result of combat work, 17 "shaheeds" were destroyed by anti-aircraft defense along the tracking route within Sumy, Poltava, Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
Anti-aircraft missile forces, fighter aircraft of the Air Force, units of mobile fire groups of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and other means of destruction were used to repel the strike.
Unfortunately, there have been several hits to the oil refinery in Poltava Oblast, as a result of which the company's work has been temporarily stopped. Relevant services are working to eliminate the consequences.


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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 20.09.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 a.m., September 20, 2023
Day 574 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
The russian occupiers continue to violate the International Humanitarian Law, as they target and shell the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian infrastructure alike, terrorizing civilians. Thus, during the day of September 19, russia attacked Ukraine with 31x Shahed-136/131 combat UAVs, 28x of which were intercepted by Ukrainian air defense. A cynical missile strike affected the population of the city of Kryvyi Rih (Dnipropetrovsk oblast). Unfortunately, the terrorist attacks of the Kremlin have killed and wounded civilians. Residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend in the east and the south of Ukraine, conduct the offensive on Melitopol’ axis, and offensive operations on Bakhmut axis. As they destroy the enemy, they liberate the temporarily occupied territories and consolidate new positions.
Last night, the occupiers attacked Ukraine with 24x Shahed-136/131 kamikaze drones, 17x of which were intercepted by Ukrainian air defense. Information on the aftermath of this terrorist attack is currently being updated.
During the day of September 19, there were 24x combat engagements. The enemy launched 9x missile, 79x air strikes, more than 60x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets.
Leonivka, Popivka (Chernihiv oblast), Hrabovs’ke (Sumy oblast), Ivanivka, Kup’yans’k (Kharkiv oblast), Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Terny, Spirne, Bohdanivka, Chasiv Yar, Klishchiivka, Avdiivka, Krasnohorivka, Vuhledar, Urozhaine, Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast), Levadne, Mala Tokmachka, (Zaporizhzhia oblast), Vesele, Ol’hivka, L’vove, Tyahynka, Tokarivka, and Sadove (Kherson oblast) were hit by air strikes.
About 100x settlements in Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire.
Pivnich operational-strategic group, Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary continues to maintain a group of troops safeguarding the state border. The enemy troops conduct active subversive activities in the border areas in order to prevent the deployment of Ukrainian troops to threatened axes. The adversary increases the density of minefields along the state border in Belgorod oblast (russia).
Khortytsia operational-strategic group, Bakhmut axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully repelled enemy attacks in the vicinity of Yahidne (Donetsk oblast). The enemy attempted to regain the lost position in the vicinity of Andriivka (Donetsk oblast), to no success. The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue assault operations in the vicinity of Bakhmut (Donetsk oblast), inflict significant losses in manpower and equipment on the enemy, and consolidate their new positions.
Tavria operational-strategic group, Mar’inka axes: the adversary conducted unsuccessful offensives in the vicinity of Mar’inka (Donetsk oblast). Here, the occupiers made 13x unsuccessful attempts to force Ukrainian troops out of their positions during the day of September 19.
Avdiivka and Shakhtars’ke axes: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to hold the line, inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the occupying forces.
Zaporizhzhia axis: enemy attacks in the vicinities of Mala Tokmachka, Robotyne, and Novodanylivka (Zaporizhzhia oblast) resulted in significant losses in both manpower and equipment for the occupiers.
Melitopol’ axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue their offensive operation, inflicting significant losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, and exhausting the enemy.
Odesa operational-strategic group, Kherson axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to conduct counter-battery fire, destroy supply depots, and successfully strike behind the enemy lines.
During the day of September 19, Ukrainian Air Force launched 1x air strike on a command post, 16x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, and 3x air strikes on the anti-aircraft missile systems of the adversary.
The missile troops hit 3x command posts, 1x anti-aircraft missile system, 9x artillery systems, 1x ammunition depot, and 1x electronic warfare station of the adversary.
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«Thank you, Secretary. I appreciate that. And good afternoon to everyone and thank you for being here for the 15th Contact Group of the — in support of Ukraine. Today, we had over 50 countries represented here, to include some organizations of both NATO and the EU.
But first, let me express my thanks to Secretary Austin, whom I've served with off and on for over three decades in peace and war. This group would not exist without his personal leadership. It was formed with his vision, and with his enormous integrity and personal resolve, this Contact Group has made unbelievable contributions in the last 572 days of this armed conflict and it's —would never have happened without the personal leadership, the personal drive of Secretary Lloyd Austin. So thank you, sir. And also just mention that Secretary Austin has also served his country continuously since 1975, in uniform and out of uniform. And for that, all of us should be forever thankful.
I also want to recognize all the ministers and chiefs of defense that were here today. Their continued involvement in solidarity over the last 18, 19 months has been truly remarkable. And today, we welcomed new Ukrainian Minister of Defense Umerov. He will carry forward, no question in my mind, the unflinching spirit of the Ukrainian people and the will of the Ukrainian military, to lead with determination onto a Ukrainian victory.
This group's support for Ukraine embodies our shared democratic values and the unwavering commitment to uphold the so-called rules-based international order. That order, the so-called rules-based international order, has been critical to preventing great power war in the European continent for 80 years, since the end of World War II.
Rooted in that international order is a critical principle. It's actually its first principle - that every nation, no matter its size or power, has an innate right to sovereignty and self-determination. And countries cannot be allowed to change international borders with military force and they cannot attack other countries unless in self-defense.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is an unprovoked war of aggression against a country that posed no military threat to Russia. And today is the 572nd day of that war crime. It is a blatant and illegal violation of international norms, and it is literally a frontal assault on the very principles that all of our countries pledged to support eight decades ago.
As Ukraine's counteroffensive continues, it is easy to get focused on the numbers, the charts, the data, the arrows on a map. But we must remember that war, first and foremost, is a human endeavor. And each Ukrainian advancement, every inch of reclaimed territory, only happens because of the bravery, the honor and the incredible sacrifice made by the Ukrainian people and their military.
Ukraine continues to make deliberate, steady progress in liberating their homeland from Russian occupation and they continue to retain the strategic initiative as of today.
Amidst the fog and friction of war, Putin's unprovoked aggression casts a bleak and lonely echo, while Ukraine's spirit shines brightly, undiminished, and has been an inspiration for the world's free peoples.
Our commitment remains unwavering. President Biden has directed us to continue our training initiatives and our material support as long as Ukraine requires in order to defend its sovereign territory.
This is Ukraine's fight. It is their story, their battle. Ukraine has not asked any other country to fight for them. All they are asking for is help, help with materiel and training. And we, collectively, are all here to support Ukraine so they may remain free, independent and sovereign.
In the beginning, it was Javelins and Stingers that helped stop the initial Russian onslaught. Then air defense munitions and artillery enabled them to protect their skies and impose heavy costs on the invaders. Long-range fires and GMLRS and HIMARS followed, which allowed the Ukrainians to strike critical nodes deep in the Russian rear.
Next was armor and mechanized infantry fighting vehicles, breaching equipment, all of which strengthened Ukrainian maneuver warfare and allowed them to conduct the current counteroffensive. As we approach winter now, each nation today committed to continuing their support with a focus on the top three priorities of air defense, artillery and (mechanized) armor.
And behind every weapon, we should all remember, there's a brave Ukrainian soldier. And their resolve is equally unwavering. Their courage is extraordinary. And through the many different phases of this war, although we have provided training and equipment, it is they, the Ukrainian people and their military, that have suffered the most in their need to be free.
And as President Biden and Secretary Austin have said many, many times over, we, the United States, will continue to provide support to Ukraine for as long as it takes.
Today was my last Ukrainian Defense Contact Group meeting before I retire. And my tenure may be ending, but the mission for this group continues until the end state of a free and sovereign Ukraine is attained.
This group's success hinges not on any single individual but on the unified commitment and the values of all of our collective nations. The end goal remains crystal-clear. Support Ukraine until Putin's unwarranted, illegal and ruinous war of choice comes to an end.
Our commitment to Ukraine as a free, independent and sovereign nation, with its territory intact, remains as ironclad as ever.
Nations across the world have come together to support Ukraine in their fight for sovereignty against this unprovoked aggression, and that commitment is not just about the present, it also sets a precedent for the future in other parts of the world, a beacon for other nations and a clear message to any adversaries that the rule of law will always triumph over the rule of force, as light always triumphs over the darkness.
Thank you, and Slava Ukraini.»
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Someone "wrote for the second time", and I will write for the third time: Poland is territorially on the way between us and the USA with the EU.

Yes, it does not hinder (yet), does not block, like Hungary, the movement of military cargo. Yes, she helps a lot logistically and organizationally. And also refugees. Therefore, the role and assistance of Poland cannot be underestimated. But you can't exaggerate. The statements of Polish politicians over the past few months were clear: "we help Ukraine because it is beneficial to Poland." And not because of any sentiments and warm neighborly feelings. Now the word "sinking" sounds in relation to us.
Poland is arming itself with the latest weapons, because it is being sold weapons. We don't. The United States contributes to its armaments. Korea (courtesy of the US)
And since Poland had well armed itself during these 17 months, it raised its head and took an attacking position. Because at the beginning of the war, she fell in love with NATO and the EU and was frightened and ready to give us everything so that we would only hold out and protect her in this way. The assessment of the then Minister of Defense of Poland, I quote "if Russia attacks us, we will hold out for three days. If we are lucky"(c) Therefore, the Poles behaved very meekly and politely. But the situation has changed. The Poles calmed down and became stronger. And the whole lordship, nobility and commonness are climbing out more and more.
Plus the elections, the electoral situation of the incumbent is not very good. There are pro-Russian parties there, just like we had "regionals". They have their own problems and they have every chance to get a "blocking package in the parliament". Accordingly, the current President of Poland is betting on the refrigerator of the electorate, he is nervous and on the basis of emotions, all common things are brought out time and time again.
Meanwhile, refugees from Poland emigrate to Germany. Together with the Poles themselves. More satisfying. Easier (even despite the German bureaucracy). Of the million+, 700+ thousand remained. That is why large reception centers for refugees are being closed. The stream has dried up.

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The night rocket attack caused many injuries and destruction.
Officials and bodies publish photos of the consequences.
At least nine people were injured in Cherkasy, where the warhead of a rocket fell on a hotel, destroying several floors.
People lived there, and some rooms were used as offices. It is not excluded that there may still be someone under the rubble.
There are also seven wounded in Kyiv, including a child.
Debris fell in different areas of the city, buildings, cars, and power lines were damaged.
Three "arrivals" were also recorded in Lviv region, in Drohobych. The workshop and warehouses were on fire there.
In the Rivne region, an energy facility was hit, and part of the Rivne district was left without electricity.
Photo by DSNS, KMVA, Mykola Kalashnyk, Reuters.




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On the night of September 21, 2023, around 3:40 a.m., the Russian invaders attacked Ukraine with Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 air-based cruise missiles
  A total of 43 cruise missiles were launched from 10 T-95ms strategic aircraft from the area west of Engels.
The occupiers launched rockets in several waves. They entered the airspace of Ukraine from different directions, constantly changing their course along the route.
As a result of combat work by the forces and means of the Air Force in cooperation with the Air Defense Forces of the Defense Forces, 36 cruise missiles were destroyed.
In addition, around 6:00 a.m., the enemy attacked Kharkiv with S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles. Relevant services are working. The local military administration will inform about the consequences.


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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 21.09.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 a.m., September 21, 2023
Day 575 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
The russian occupiers continue to ignore the International Humanitarian Law, as they target and shell the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian infrastructure alike, terrorizing civilians. Thus, during the day of September 20, the russian federation launched yet another air strike on Ukraine with Shahed-136/131 combat UAVs. As a result of combat operations, air defense intercepted 17x Shaheds en route within Sumy, Poltava, Kirovohrad, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts. Unfortunately, the attacks have damaged an oil refinery in Poltava oblast. Residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
Since the early hours of September 21, the russian occupiers have launched a massive missile attack on the civilian infrastructure of a number of oblasts of our country. Information on the aftermath of this terrorist attack is currently being updated.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend in the east and the south of Ukraine, conduct the offensive on Melitopol’ axis, and offensive operations on Bakhmut axis. As they destroy the enemy, they liberate the temporarily occupied territories and consolidate new positions.
During the day of September 20, there were 23x combat engagements. The enemy launched 2x missile, 80x air strikes, more than 49x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets across Ukraine.
Leonivka (Chernihiv oblast), Nadiya, Nevs’ke, Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Novosadove, Tors’ke, Spirne, Vesele, Klishchiivka, New York, Krasnohorivka, Vuhledar (Donetsk oblast), Robotyne (Zaporizhzhia oblast), Kozats’ke, Odradokam’yanka, Ol’hivka, Tokarivka, and Tyahynka (Kherson oblast) were hit by air strikes.
About 90x settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire.
Pivnich operational-strategic group, Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary continues to maintain a group of troops safeguarding the state border. The enemy troops conduct active subversive activities in the border areas in order to prevent the deployment of Ukrainian troops to threatened axes. The adversary increases the density of minefields along the state border in Belgorod oblast (russia).
Khortytsia operational-strategic group, Bakhmut axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully repelled enemy attacks in the area west of Zaytseve (Donetsk oblast). The adversary attempted to regain the lost position in the area northeast and east of Andriivka (Donetsk oblast), to no success. The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue assault operations in the area south of Bakhmut (Donetsk oblast), inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the enemy, and consolidate their new positions.
Tavria operational-strategic group, Mar’inka axes: the adversary conducted unsuccessful offensives in the vicinity of Mar’inka (Donetsk oblast). Here, the enemy made 13x unsuccessful attempts to force Ukrainian units out of their positions during the day of September 20. At the same time, on Avdiivka and Shakhtars’ke axes, the Ukrainian Defense Forces hold the line as they have the initiative and win back Ukrainian land.
Melitopol’ axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue their offensive operation, inflicting significant losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, forcing the enemy to withdraw from their positions. Our defenders repelled the enemy’s attacks in the vicinity of Robotyne (Zaporizhzhia oblast). The occupiers suffer significant losses in both manpower and equipment.
Odesa operational-strategic group, Kherson axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces conduct counter-battery fire, destroy the supply depots, and successfully strike behind the enemy lines.
During the day of September 20, Ukrainian Air Force launched 10x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, and 5x air strikes on the anti-aircraft missile systems of the adversary.
The Ukrainian missile troops hit 1x concentration of personnel, weapons, and military equipment, 11x artillery systems, 1x Strela-10 air defense missile system, and 1x electronic warfare station of the adversary.
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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 23.09.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 a.m., September 23, 2023
Day 577 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
The russian occupiers continue to ignore the International Humanitarian Law, as they target shell not only the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian infrastructure in various settlements. Thus, during the day of September 22, the russian federation attacked Ukraine with 6x Shahed-136/131 combat UAVs, 2x of which were intercepted by Ukrainian air defense. In addition, more than 30x people, including three children, suffered as a result of a missile attack on the city of Kremenchuk. Also, civilians in Yurkivka (Zaporizhzhia oblast) suffered as a result of a cynical missile strike. Private residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
Last night, the occupiers once again attacked Ukraine with missiles and Shahed-136/131 kamikaze drones. Information on the aftermath of this terrorist attack is currently being updated.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend in the east and the south of Ukraine, conduct the offensive on Melitopol’ axis, and offensive operations on Bakhmut axis. As they destroy the enemy, they liberate the temporarily occupied territories and consolidate new positions.
During the day of September 22, there were more than 30x combat engagements. The enemy launched 5x missile, 49x air strikes, 24x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets across Ukraine.
Air strikes hit Bolohivka (Kharkiv oblast), Nadiya, Makiivka, Nevs’ke, Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Bohdanivka, Klishchiivka, Pivnichne, Avdiivka, Krasnohorivka, Mar’inka, Vodyane, Vuhledar, Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast), Mala Tokmachka, Robotyne (Zaporizhzhia oblast), Kozats’ke, Mykolaivka, Odradokam’yanka, Tyahynka, and Antonivka (Kherson oblast).
More than 120x settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire.
Pivnich operational-strategic group, Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary maintains its military presence in the areas of russia bordering Ukraine. The enemy troops conduct active subversive activities in the border areas in order to prevent the deployment of Ukrainian troops to threatened axes. The adversary increases the density of minefields along the state border in Belgorod oblast (russia).
Khortytsia operational-strategic group, Bakhmut axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully repelled enemy attacks in the vicinity of Min’kivka, Orikhovo-Vasylivka, and Hryhorivka (Donetsk oblast). The adversary attempted to regain the lost position in the vicinity of Andriivka (Donetsk oblast), to no success. The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue assault operations south of Bakhmut (Donetsk oblast), inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the enemy, and consolidate their new positions.
Tavria operational-strategic group, Avdiivka axis: the Ukrainian soldiers successfully repelled enemy attacks in the vicinities of Avdiivka and Sjeverne (Donetsk oblast).
Mar’inka axis: the enemy conducted unsuccessful offensives in the vicinity of Mar’inka and Krasnohorivka (Donetsk oblast), where it made 12x unsuccessful attempts to force Ukrainian troops out of their positions during the day of September 22.
Zaporizhzhia axis: enemy attacks in the vicinities of Robotyne and Verbove (Zaporizhzhia oblast) resulted in significant losses in both manpower and equipment for the occupiers. The Ukrainian defenders continue to hold the line at their position, inflicting losses on the occupying forces.
Melitopol’ axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue their offensive operation, inflicting significant losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, exhausting the enemy all along the front line, and forcing it to withdraw from its positions.
Odesa operational-strategic group, Kherson axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue counter-battery fire, destroy the supply depots, and successfully strike behind the enemy lines.
During the day of September 22, Ukrainian Air Force launched 1x air strike on the headquarters of the russian Black Sea Fleet in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol, 12x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, and 4x air strikes on the anti-aircraft missile systems of the adversary.
The Ukrainian missile troops hit 2x anti-aircraft missile systems and 4x artillery systems of the adversary.
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Tonight, a large hotel complex was destroyed by a missile strike at the marine terminal in Odessa, its co-owner told what he was going to do with it.
We are talking about the Odessa Hotel (formerly the Kempinski Hotel), built more than 20 years ago on the territory of the marine terminal of the Odessa commercial port.






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Revealed: Europe’s role in the making of Russia killer drones

Exclusive: Kyiv says Iranian drones used by Russia in Ukraine have various European components


Iranian kamikaze drones used in the latest attacks on Ukrainian cities are filled with European components, according to a secret document sent by Kyiv to its western allies in which it appeals for long-range missiles to attack production sites in Russia, Iran and Syria.

In a 47-page document submitted by Ukraine’s government to the G7 governments in August, it is claimed there were more than 600 raids on cities using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) containing western technology in the previous three months.

According to the report, obtained by the Guardian, 52 electrical components manufactured by western companies were found in the Shahed-131 drone and 57 in the Shahed-136 model, which has a flight range of 2,000km (1,240 miles) and cruising speed of 180kmh (111mph).


Five European companies including a Polish subsidiary of a British multinational are named as the original manufacturers of the identified components.

“Among the manufacturers are companies headquartered in the countries of the sanctions coalition: the United States, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Japan, and Poland,” it claims.

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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 27.09.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 a.m., September 27, 2023
Day 581 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
The russian occupiers keep ignoring the International Humanitarian Law, as they shell not only the positions of Ukrainian troops, but also civilian infrastructure in various settlements, terrorizing civilians.
Thus, during the day of September 26, the russian federation launched yet another strike at Ukraine using 38x Iranian Shahed-136/131 combat UAVs. The port infrastructure of Odesa oblast was damaged. Ukrainian air defense forces and means intercepted 26x enemy Shaheds.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend in the east and the south of Ukraine, conduct the offensive on Melitopol’ axis, and offensive operations on Bakhmut axis. As they destroy the enemy, they liberate the temporarily occupied territories and consolidate new positions.
During the day of September 26, there were 26x combat engagements. The enemy launched 10x missile, 77x air strikes, 44x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets across Ukraine. Unfortunately, the russian terrorist attacks have killed and wounded civilians. Residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
Air strikes hit Hrabovs’ke, Popivka (Sumy oblast), Starytsya, Hatyshche, Syn’kivka, Kup’yans’k, Berestove (Kharkiv oblast), Nadiya, Novojehorivka (Luhansk oblast), Tors’ke, Sivers’k, Spirne, Klishchiivka, Kostyantynivka, Pivnichne, Avdiivka, Novomykhailivka, Urozhaine, Blahodatne, Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast), Mala Tokmachka (Zaporizhzhia oblast), Beryslav, Mykolaivka, Ol’hivka (Kherson oblast), and the city of Kherson.
About 100x settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire.
Pivnich operational-strategic group, Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary maintains its military presence in the areas of russia bordering Ukraine. The enemy troops conduct active subversive activities in order to prevent the deployment of Ukrainian troops to threatened axes. The adversary increases the density of minefields along the state border in Belgorod oblast (russia).
Khortytsia operational-strategic group, Kup’yans’k, Lyman, and Bakhmut axes: the adversary did not conduct any offensive (assault) actions.
Tavria operational-strategic group, Avdiivka axis: the Ukrainian defense forces repelled enemy attacks in the vicinity of settlement of Sjeverne (Donetsk oblast).
Mar’inka axis: the enemy conducted unsuccessful offensives in the vicinity of Mar’inka (Donetsk oblast), where it made 13x unsuccessful attempts to force Ukrainian troops out of their positions during the day of September 26.
Shakhtars’ke axis: the Ukrainian defenders continue to hold the line and defend our land from the occupants.
Zaporizhzhia axis: the Ukrainian soldiers repelled an enemy attack in the area south of Novodarivka (Zaporizhzhia oblast).
At the same time, the Ukrainian defense forces continue their offensive operation on Melitopol’ axis and offensive (assault) operations on Bakhmut axis, inflicting losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, exhausting the enemy all along the front line.
Odesa operational-strategic group, Kherson axis: the Ukrainian defense forces continue to conduct counter-battery fire, destroy the supply depots, and successfully strike behind the enemy lines.
During the day of September 26, the Ukrainian Air Force launched 12x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment of the adversary.
The Ukrainian missile troops hit 5x artillery systems, 3x concentrations of troops and military equipment, 1x command post, and 2x ammunition depots of the adversary.
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On February 24, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Russian troops are shelling and destroying key infrastructure facilities,

conducting massive shelling of residential areas of Ukrainian cities and villages.

I am in the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv.
I do not leave the city, I follow what is happening here, reassure my family and friends, explain the situation and follow the press reports.

A lot of panic messages, a lot of fake news from Russian propaganda.
I select only the information that has confirmation.
As a former military man (in the distant past), I have a good understanding of how hostilities are conducted and what weapons are used.

I will answer all your questions.

Since February 24, Russia has attacked Ukraine, many cities of Ukraine have been destroyed.

Because of the war, I lost my business in Ukraine, if you want to help me and my family, my Paypal is: Alex.Sor.2022@gmail.com

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House narrowly clears hard-right Pentagon funding bill after Ukraine aid carve-out

The House also approved the separate $300 million tranche of Ukraine funding after Republicans removed it from the defense bill.


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Biden previews 2024 message by warning that Trump’s movement is a threat to American democracy


US President Joe Biden harshly commented on the attacks of his rival Donald Trump. He said that the politician's movement threatens US democracy.

     "Something dangerous is happening in America right now. There is an extremist movement that does not share the core beliefs of our democracy: the MAGA movement (Make America Great Again - Trump's campaign slogan in the last election - ed.). There is no doubt that today's Republican Party "is driven and intimidated by Republican MAGA extremists. Their extremist agenda, if implemented, will fundamentally change the institutions of American democracy as we know them," Biden said, as quoted by CNN.

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4 years of Donald Trump's presidency in the United States are called a nightmare for Europe, which, for the most part, has become the main object of his antagonism. He could be in office again in November 2024 if elected in the upcoming election, and this time Trump's version could be "much more outrageous and deranged."

Politico writes about this. In addition to Europe, the fact that Trump has repeatedly made statements regarding the war in Ukraine is also mentioned. In particular, he promised to conclude an “agreement” with Putin behind the backs of Kyiv and Brussels.

And although Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, known for his pro-Russian views, believes that “Trump can save the Western world,” and the Polish Law and Justice party would welcome his return, dismissing his statements about Ukraine as election theatrics, Old Light is more skeptical.

     "Trump is a nightmare. It's not something you can really prepare for," an unnamed European diplomat told Politico.



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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 29.09.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 a.m., September 29, 2023
Glory to Ukraine! Day 583 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
The russian occupiers keep ignoring the International Humanitarian Law, as they shell not only the positions of Ukrainian troops, but also civilian infrastructure in various settlements, terrorizing civilians. Thus, the russian federation launched yet another strike at Ukraine during the day of September 28, using 39x Shahed-136/131 combat UAVs, 31 of which were intercepted by Ukrainian Defense Forces.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend in the east and the south of Ukraine, conduct the offensive on Melitopol’ axis, and offensive operations on Bakhmut axis. As they destroy the enemy, they liberate the temporarily occupied territories and consolidate new positions.
During the day of September 28, there were 21x combat engagements. The enemy launched a total of 83x air strikes, and 63x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets across Ukraine. Unfortunately, the russian terrorist attacks have killed and wounded civilians. Private residences and other infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
Air strikes hit Hrabovs’ke (Sumy oblast), Kruhle, Kup’yans’k, Berestove (Kharkiv oblast), Novoselivs’ke (Luhansk oblast), Tors’ke, Sivers’k, Spirne, Vesele, Avdiivka, Kostyantynivka, Bila Hora, Avdiivka, Urozhaine, Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast), Mala Tokmachka, Robotyne (Zaporizhzhia oblast), Mykolaivka (Kherson oblast).
More than 140x settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire.
Pivnich operational-strategic group, Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary maintains its military presence in the areas of russia bordering Ukraine. The enemy troops conduct active subversive activities in order to prevent the deployment of Ukrainian troops to threatened axes. The adversary increases the density of minefields along the state border in Belgorod oblast (russia).
Khortytsia operational-strategic group, Kup’yans’k, and Lyman axes: the adversary did not conduct any offensive (assault) actions. Lyman axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully repelled an enemy attack near Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast).
Tavria operational-strategic group, Avdiivka axis: The enemy made unsuccessful attempts regain the lost ground in the area south of Avdiivka (Donetsk region). The Ukrainian defense forces successfully repelled an enemy attack in the vicinity of settlement of Nevel’s’ke (Donetsk oblast).
Mar’inka axis: the adversary conducted unsuccessful offensives in the vicinity of Mar’inka (Donetsk oblast), where it made 6x unsuccessful attempts to force Ukrainian troops out of their positions during the day of September 28. The Ukrainian defense forces successfully repelled an enemy attack in the vicinity of settlement of Novomykhailivka (Donetsk oblast).
Shakhtars’ke axis: the Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled adversary attacks in the vicinity of Urozhaine (Donetsk oblast).
Zaporizhzhia axis: the adversary attempted to regain the lost ground in the vicinity of Chervone (Zaporizhzhia oblast), to no success.
The Ukrainian defense forces continue their offensive operation on Melitopol’ axis and offensive (assault) operations on Bakhmut axis, inflicting losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, exhausting the enemy all along the front line.
Odesa operational-strategic group, Kherson axis: the Ukrainian defense forces continue to conduct counter-battery fire, destroy the warehouses, and successfully strike behind the enemy lines.
During the day of September 28, the Ukrainian Air Force launched 13x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, 1x strike on an anti-aircraft missile system and 2x strikes on electronic warfare stations of the adversary. Also, Ukrainian defenders shot down 2x operational-tactical reconnaissance UAVs.
The Ukrainian missile troops hit 1x anti-aircraft missile system, 11x artillery systems and 1x ammunition depot of the occupiers.
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The latest "modifications" of Shahed may indicate attempts by the Russian Federation to establish their mass production - military analysts
Structural modifications of the Shahed 136/Geran-2 barrage munition, which have been recorded in UAV wreckage since the summer of this year, may indicate that Russia is trying to establish their mass production.
Captain Andriy Rudyk, a representative of the Center for the Research of Trophy and Prospective Weapons and Military Equipment of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, announced this at a briefing at the Military Media Center.
"We do not rule out the fact that the Russian Federation, looking for simple technical solutions, making materials cheaper and arranging the supply of substitute components, is trying to organize the production of this barrage ammunition and make it mass-produced," the officer noted.
Among the changes in the design of the drone, the Center's analysts note:
▪a fundamentally different combat unit, which now has a device with damage elements in the form of tungsten balls;
▪ replacement of the country of the power plant manufacturer (MicroPilot UAV Flight Control Systems MD550 engine instead of Mado MD550);
▪modification of the body (composite fuselage with foam-type filler is used to replace the one-piece fuselage);
▪ use of the new KST X30-12-165 servo drive;
▪use of the Russian-made "Comet" block in the navigation system.
However, Andriy Rudyk noted, the new Shahed 136/Geranium-2 does not fundamentally differ from earlier models, and the identified differences are cosmetic in nature and due to the desire to make production cheaper. In addition, attempts at such "import substitution" testify to the effectiveness of international sanctions.
Military Media Center



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On 9/28/2023 at 11:46 PM, Alex_Sor said:

4 years of Donald Trump's presidency in the United States are called a nightmare for Europe, which, for the most part, has become the main object of his antagonism. He could be in office again in November 2024 if elected in the upcoming election, and this time Trump's version could be "much more outrageous and deranged."

Politico writes about this. In addition to Europe, the fact that Trump has repeatedly made statements regarding the war in Ukraine is also mentioned. In particular, he promised to conclude an “agreement” with Putin behind the backs of Kyiv and Brussels.

And although Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, known for his pro-Russian views, believes that “Trump can save the Western world,” and the Polish Law and Justice party would welcome his return, dismissing his statements about Ukraine as election theatrics, Old Light is more skeptical.

     "Trump is a nightmare. It's not something you can really prepare for," an unnamed European diplomat told Politico.



He'll be wearing an orange jumpsuit by next summer...


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On the night of October 3, 2023, the Russian invaders attacked with 31 Shahed attack UAVs and an Iskander-K cruise missile.
The launches were carried out from the temporarily occupied Ukrainian Crimea: "Shahediv" - from Cape Chauda, KR "Iskander-K" - from the Dzhankoya district.
In the southern and eastern regions, anti-aircraft defense was conducting combat work: anti-aircraft missile troops, fighter aircraft, units of mobile fire groups.
The targets were destroyed in the areas of responsibility of the "Southern" and "Eastern" air commands within Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
In total, the forces and means of the Air Force, in cooperation with the anti-aircraft defense of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, destroyed thirty air targets:



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ATTENTION! Due to the constant receiving of updates on intelligence data, there is a need to adjust quantity of the enemy's overall losses.
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 03.10.23 were approximately:
Situation update as of 6 a.m., October 3, 2023
Day 587 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine has begun.
The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend in the east and the south of Ukraine, conduct the offensive on Melitopol’ axis, and offensive operations on Bakhmut axis. As they destroy the enemy, they liberate the temporarily occupied territories and consolidate new positions.
During the day of September 18, there were 35x combat engagements. The enemy launched a total of 8x missile, 47x air strikes, 27x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and civilian targets across Ukraine. Also, the russian federation attacked Ukraine using 7x Shahed-136/131 strike UAVs from the southeast. The Ukrainian air defense intercepted 4x enemy Shaheds. Unfortunately, the russian terrorist attacks have killed and wounded civilians. Private residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
Air strikes hit Stepok (Sumy oblast), Kup’yans’k, Ivanivka, Cherneshchyna (Kharkiv oblast), Zarichne, Spirne, Lyman, Klishchiivka, Oleksandro-Shul’tyne, Mar’inka, Novomykhailivka, Paraskoviivka, Urozhaine, Staromaiors’ke, Novodarivka (Donetsk oblast), Mala Tokmachka (Zaporizhzhia oblast), and Mykolaivka (Kherson oblast).
More than 100x settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson oblasts came under artillery fire.
Pivnich operational-strategic group, Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary maintains its military presence in the areas of russia bordering Ukraine. The enemy troops conduct active subversive activities in order to prevent the deployment of Ukrainian troops to threatened axes. The adversary increases the density of minefields along the state border in Belgorod oblast (russia).
Khortytsia operational-strategic group, Kup’yans’k, axis: the adversary did not conduct any offensive (assault) operations.
Lyman axis: the Ukrainian defense forces repelled adversary attacks in the vicinity of settlement of Makiivka (Luhansk oblast).
Bakhmut axis: the adversary made unsuccessful attempts to regain the lost ground in the vicinity of Andriivka (Donetsk oblast).
Tavria operational-strategic group, Avdiivka axis: the adversary attempted to regain the lost position in the vicinity of Avdiivka (Donetsk oblast), to no success. In addition, the Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled enemy attacks in the area east of Stepove (Donetsk oblast). The enemy made 10x unsuccessful attacks in the vicinity of Mar’inka and Novomykhailivka (Donetsk oblast).
Shakhtars’ke axis: the Ukrainian soldiers successfully repelled enemy attacks near Staromaiors’ke and Rivnopil’ (Donetsk oblast).
Zaporizhzhia axis: adversary made unsuccessful attempts to regain the lost position west of Verbove and southeast of Mala Tockmachka (Zaporizhzhia oblast).
The Ukrainian defense forces continue their offensive operation on Melitopol’ axis and offensive (assault) operations on Bakhmut axis, inflicting losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, consolidating their new positions, and exhausting the enemy.
Odesa operational-strategic group, Kherson axis: the Ukrainian Defense Forces conduct counter-battery fire, destroy the supply depots, and successfully strike behind the enemy lines.
During the day of October 2, Ukrainian Air Force launched 11x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment and 1x air strike on the anti-aircraft missile system of the adversary.
During the day of October 2, the Ukrainian missile troops hit 2x concentrations of troops, weapons, and military equipment, 1x command post, 2x electronic warfare stations, and 4x artillery systems of the adversary.
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#AFU are grateful for the #UK support and assistance
The Defence Secretary of Great Britain, Grant Shapps, visited one of the training facilities of the United Kingdom, where the Ukrainian military is being trained as part of the "INTERFLEX" operation.
General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of the General Staff and other senior personnel of the HM Armed Forces participated in the visit.
Grant Shapps spoke with Commander of INTERFLEX Colonel James Thurstan, as well as with the representative of Ukraine Major Serhii Mahlovanyi, the deputy head of the administrative group of this training operation.
The Defence Secretary and Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Patrick Sanders, met the British soldiers at the centre of the UK-led training programme which has trained more than 26,500 Ukrainian recruits to date. He heard their inspiring stories and observed the world-leading training.
The Secretary inspected the exhibited weapons. Half of the exposition were samples of weapons that Great Britain provided to Ukraine in aid. Following General Sanders brief, Minister Shapps told reporters that Great Britain will expand its training program for the Ukrainian military.
He also mentioned Britain was finding ways to help Ukraine ‘shape up’ for NATO membership and offered naval support in the Black Sea.
#UKUA #UKUAStrongerTogether #StandWithUkraine #WeAreNATO #INTERFLEXOp #OpORBITAL #OPIR
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Over the past month, demining units of the State Special Service of Transport discovered, removed and neutralized 12,582 explosive objects.
The territory with an area of 7,982.21 hectares has been demined (verified).
In total, since the beginning of the large-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, units of the State Special Transport Service have discovered, seized and neutralized 63,868 explosive objects.
The territory with an area of 24,993.47 hectares has been demined (verified).
Water area - 21.02 ha
Motor roads – 661.82 km
Railway tracks - 2194.40 km
Power grid lines – 310.74 km




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The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 04.10.23 were approximately:


Situation update as of 6 p.m., October 3, 2023
Day 587 of the russian full-scale military aggression against Ukraine continues.
The enemy continues to ignore the laws and customs of war, uses terror tactics, and attacks both military and civilian targets.
During the day of October 3, there were 26x combat engagements. Also, the russian federation launched yet another strike at Ukraine using 1x Iskander-K cruise missile and 31x Iranian Shahed-136/131 strike UAVs from the southern, southeastern and northern directions. Air defense forces shot down 1x Iskander-K cruise missile and 29x enemy Shaheds. The enemy launched a total of 3x missile and 80x air strikes, 28x MLRS attacks at the positions of Ukrainian troops and various settlements. Unfortunately, the russian terrorist attacks have killed and wounded civilians. Private residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed or damaged.
The operational situation in eastern and southern Ukraine remains difficult.
Volyn and Polissya axes: no significant changes. No signs of formation of an offensive group. Certain units of the armed forces of belarus continue their missions in the areas bordering Ukraine.
Sivershchyna and Slobozhanshchyna axes: the adversary maintains its military presence in the areas of russia bordering Ukraine. The enemy continues to shell Ukrainian settlements from the territory of russia and increases the density of minefields along the state border of Ukraine. The enemy fired artillery and mortars at more than 25x settlements, including Karpovychi, Bleshnya, Yeline (Chernihiv oblast), Khotin’, Yastrubyne, Volodymyrivka, Novodmytrivka (Sumy oblast), Udy, Kozacha Lopan’, Ivashky, Hatyshche (Kharkiv oblast).
Kup’yans’k axis: the adversary launched air strikes in the vicinities of Petropavlivka, Sen’kove, Syn’kivka (Kharkiv oblast). More than 10x settlements, including Dvorichna, Syn’kivka, Kucherivka, Petropavlivka, Berestove (Kharkiv oblast) came under artillery and mortar fire.
Lyman axis: the Ukrainian defenders repelled about 10x enemy attack near Makiivka (Luhansk oblast). The settlements of Novoselivs’ke (Luhansk oblast), Nove, Kolodyazi, Yampolivka, Stavky, Vesele, Spirne (Donetsk oblast) suffered enemy air strikes. The invaders fired artillery and mortars at more than 10x settlements, including Makiivka, Nevs’ke, Bilohorivka (Luhansk oblast), Novosadove, Tors’ke, Verkhn’okam’yans’ke, Spirne, Rozdolivka (Donetsk oblast).
Bakhmut axis: the adversary made unsuccessful attempts to regain the lost ground in the vicinity of Andriivka (Donetsk oblast). The invaders launched air strikes near Bohdanivka, Klishchiivka, Andriivka, Kostyantynivka, Oleksandro-Shul’tyne, Katerynivka (Donetsk oblast). About 15x settlements came under artillery and mortar fire, including Bila Hora, Ivanivske, Klishchiivka, New York (Donetsk oblast).
Avdiivka axis: the Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled all enemy attacks near Pervomais’ke (Donetsk oblast). The invaders fired artillery and mortars at more than 10x settlements, including Stepove, Avdiivka, Karlivka, Novokalynove, Pervomais’ke (Donetsk oblast).
Mar’inka axis: during the day of October 3, the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully repelled 10x enemy attacks in the vicinities of Mar’inka and 1x enemy attack in the vicinities of Krasnohorivka (Donetsk oblast). The adversary launched air strikes near Novomykhailivka and Mar’inka (Donetsk oblast). About 10x settlements, including Heorhiivka, Mar’inka, Pobjeda, Katerynivka (Donetsk oblast) were under artillery and mortar fire of the occupiers.
Shakhtars’ke axis: the russian occupiers launched air strikes in the vicinities of Vodyane, Urozhaine, Shakhtars’ke (Donetsk oblast). The settlements of Vuhledar, Novoukrainka, Urozhaine, Staromaiors’ke (Donetsk oblast) came under artillery and mortar fire.
Zaporizhzhia axis: the invaders launched air strikes near the settlements of Novodarivka, Robotyne, Staromaiors’ke (Zaporizhzhia oblast). More than 25x settlements, including Levadne, Hulyaipole, Mala Tokmachka, Lobkove, Robotyne, P’yatykhatky, Orikhiv (Zaporizhzhia oblast), came under enemy artillery and mortar fire.
Kherson axis: the adversary launched air strikes in the vicinities of Antonivka and Ol’hivka (Kherson oblast). The enemy fired artillery and mortars at more than 10x settlements, including Antonivka, Chornobaivka, Zmiivka (Kherson oblast), the city of Kherson and Dmytrivka (Mykolaiv oblast).
At the same time, the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue their offensive operation on Melitopol’ axis and offensive (assault) operations on Bakhmut axis, inflicting losses in manpower and equipment on the occupation forces, exhausting the enemy all along the front line.
During the day of October 3, Ukrainian Air Force launched 13x air strikes on the concentrations of troops, weapons and military equipment, and 4x air strikes on anti-aircraft missile systems of the adversary.
The Ukrainian missile troops hit 3x concentrations of troops, weapons and military equipment and 20x artillery systems of the russian invaders.
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