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Scott @ Twenty2Vodka

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Everything posted by Scott @ Twenty2Vodka

  1. ahhhh, a 40 hour work week. I remember those.....
  2. Welcome to the game Eric! What type of spirits are you looking to make? Best of luck, -Scott
  3. The above concern shouldn't be underestimated. Consistency is key to customers remaining loyal. So what happens if a test comes back positive for DON? Is the grain discarded? Are you testing a sample from a purchased tote of grain, or from a field before harvest? Just curious for more info on this topic, thanks for the replies! -Scott
  4. Curious how much it costs to have a sample tested? And what does a sample cover? 1 season, 1 batch, 1 field, 1 acre? Personally, this seems like one of those things you will look back at and say "why did i walk down this path?". Lots of other things to worry about and spend money on, the toxin content of your raw material shouldn't be one of them.... Best of luck, -Scott
  5. I've checked out the rules to this "grant" and their rules pretty plainly state: "Prohibited Content" includes, but is not limited to, content that, a Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines violates the Program Rules or any applicable law, as well as content that promotes, suggests or encourages: gambling, including without limitation, any content related to online casinos, sports books, bingo or poker; the use of firearms/weapons/ammunition, any illegal drugs, prostitution, pornography, nudity, profanity or other adult content, violence, or the use of alcohol or tobacco products;" So, I'm confused how any of us in this industry could be applicable to even be in the running since we're all here in some capacity to "encourage" the "use of alcohol" products. No? Also, Gary, you didn't mention how to vote for YOU. Your link goes right to their homepage, and the attachment doesn't have any details either. Can you post some more info about where people can vote for you? I'm obviously unfamiliar with the testing service you offer, but how does it not fall under the "prohibited content"? -Scott
  6. Taxes can be a touchy topic, Have you read 27 CFR 19? It's extensive and over-wordy but is the source anyone will draw from when answering your question in regards to this topic especially...
  7. If you are putting your water through your RO system twice, then your RO membranes aren't working properly. Do you take a TDS (Total Disolved Solids) measurement of the water coming our of your RO system? Is should be 0 or near-zero. If it isn't then you need to replace your membranes. But putting water through an RO system that works properly twice is only wasting time and enery. Thinking this through, our RO system is connected to our water supply, and we have no way of reintroducing the water back into the system without some complex plumbing and pumps...which I can't image justifying the cost in any scenario, so do you own two RO systems? TDS meters are cheap digital tools than you can source on the internet easily. http://www.amazon.com/HM-Digital-Pocket-TDS-4-Quality/dp/B0002T6L5M If you don't own one, and you own an RO system, I'd make sourcing one tomrrow morning's first priority. best of luck, -Scott
  8. oh no, we're in the process of preparing for a permit change, and I've been mentally figuring an amendment will be quicker to process than our "fresh" application. Seems like over the past 2 years, the fresh application process (for new distillers with no prior history) has been reduced from 6-9 months down to mere weeks. Any news on the new app front? Is the entire system bogged down, or are they giving less priority to current distillers? Also, kind of discouraging to hear that a call from an elected offical will expedite the process...not surprising, just discouraging... -Scott
  9. how does it (the water) taste? good tasting water (used for fermenting, distilling, blending) will result in good tasting final product. I wouldn't suggest wasting time in trying to tweak the components of your water, there aren't levels of anything "needed". You can go au natural and use what you have locally, or you can strip everything from it via an RO system. But concern yourself with the taste first. best of luck, -Scott
  10. 10 minute interview with Tito Beveridge from this year's WAWS convention, conducted by Kit Codik of liquor.com Aside from how Tito makes what he makes, the system he sells his product through is identical to what all of us will experience one day. The broker-distributor tier is probably the most underestimated hurdle new distillers will face. After minute 4, all of the questions are aimed at helping new startups in the field. Also, notice the look on his face around minute 8 when he says "the job is just barley started" even after breaking into the distributor tier. -Scott
  11. up to now we've affixed a lable on each case. Printing on the cases would include this info, and would save the step and cost of that part of the "assembly". But it's not a significant cost in the scope of things, and has served us just fine up to this point. here's a picture from our FB page: -Scott
  12. I'm considering adding artwork to our next order of cases. Do you have art work on yours? If so, have you found artwork to help sell more product? Lastly, I design my own stuff and I'm curious if others do too or if most hire it out? Thanks! -Scott
  13. if anyone is actually willing to share their sales volume, why not share it publically? I'd love to see it too...though how would I know if you were telling me the acutal numbers, or a complete lie...? @Max Action, Are you still in startup planing stages? is this info 2 years later holding you back from starting? We did a lot of homework before hand too, preparing pays off. How close are you to getting off the ground?
  14. Hey Ritchie, I grew up in Vineland, where exactly is this place located? Thanks! -Scott
  15. probably paying some form of tax at the moment.

  16. I am baffled by anyone (operating in the United States of America) who treats what the law doesn't state as a "restriction" instead of a "freedom". If this is where we agree to disagree, then so be it. Again, best of luck. You will need it. [empahsis added, again] -Scott.
  17. First, let me appologize for my tone with my previous post. Your last sentence rubbed me the wrong way, and set me off. Complying with the fed and state regulations on all levels is something we take seriously since the consequences of ignoring such can be severe. And the way you phrased your last sentence, came across like you were doing me a favor or something. Where are you drawing this assumption from? The law you excerpted above does not translate into your above statement. can you quote these exceptions? Where are you getting your definitions for "producing" and "recitification"?
  18. My input doesn't answer your question directly, however I did want to offer my startup experience. With so many things to worry about when starting an operating Distillery, I am thankful other people's obviously "biased" opinion on my location is not something I have to concern myself with. My point being, spend as little time as humanly possible on this, and have a backup location ready at the slightest sign of resistance. We switched locations 4 times before finding the place we settled on and currently operate from, and looking back, making the move to where we are now was a total blessing (no pun intended). Our move was based around water, not religion or the like. Believe it or not, you might even find a place where the neighbors want you nearby too. Best of luck, Scott
  19. Nick Jones. I have a COLA, a publiclly viewable website (that you found by clicking on the link in my signature), and product for sale in 4 state markets. But your out of context excerpt of the law apparently makes you more of an expert. How long have you been doing this again? May i suggest that you joking about a fellony to a distiller suggests not that long? Everything I have to say on the legality of infusing AND MIXOLOGY [emphasis added] can be found here. http://adiforums.com/index.php?showtopic=2108&hl=california&fromsearch=1 Butttt, the fact that I am actually operating with all federal approvals in place and all TTB agents happy is all the proof I need. Best of luck Nick Jones. -Scott PS is the wink emoticon suppose to suggest an inside joke or what? Please explain.
  20. This is Cowdery's point. That non-issue is based entirly on a false perception/misunderstanding of what they [the consumers] are buying. The standards of identitiy put forth by the Fed are one of those things that actually protect consumers, they are expansive in their description so that they include every possible outcome. There is little-to-no wiggle room that permits one operating in this industry to say "ahh lighten up" or "who cares, it sells".
  21. we filed our first version of the fed license with the intent of bonding the nice rectangle our shop and offices made. Then on the advice of the TTB agent during one of the interviews, we modified it to include only what is technically the "shop". I forget the reasons exactly, but they made sense when a government employee explained them, so they can't be that bad. All in the name of the "protection of the revenue".
  22. If you get by without having to install sprinklers, make sure your insurance company is very aware that they are not there to turn on incase you need them. This isn't usually a showstopper for your premium, however it will be higher than if you had sprinklers installed. Notifying them adequatly will eliminate that variable for a denial-of-claim if you ever need to use your insurace for it's intended purpose...
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