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Dehner Distillery

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  1. is it the liquid or the bottle?
  2. Your liquid, our liquid, it does not mater to us. (no creams please) Plastic bottle, metal ROPP cap, label and in a box (yours or ours). Some send in a 55gallon drum some send us totes. Price from .35c -.45c each or call to tell us about your project and we can work out a deal. Joseph@dehnerdistillery.com 515-559-4879
  3. My question is--- is there a need for a new distillery software company that's worth a dam? Like Whiskey Systems, 5X5, Onbatch, TTB Tamer and all the others. Currently we use Whiskey Systems but it is getting super pricey for us. I liked it back in the day when it was $350 per month. Since they got bought out several years ago the prices just keep going up and up. I have looked at other systems but they suck compared to Whiskey Systems. Do you think the market could bear another system? Something that is simple, manages my distillery and TTB. We use Quickbooks for all the accounting stuff and I like the separation between the 2 systems. Please let me know your thoughts. Joseph@dehnerdistillery.com
  4. We are in Iowa, we can bottle your 50ml bottles for you. 515-559-4879
  5. I have about 4500 Cases (12 pack) that are for sale. They are a standard 750ml round bottle that takes a TE-28-350 cap. I am asking .60 per bottle. FOB 50325 Questions please call or text 515-559-4879 Joe See Dehnerdistillery.com to see pics, under products, Gotcha brand. Thank you.
  6. You don't need any of the stuff. If it is brand new 1. Spray it with warm water 3-4 min all over 2. spray it down with star san 3. wait 20 min 4. wash out with hot water 3-4 min 5. use it 6. you could ozone it, or use a UV light. A UV light is a good way to keep you tank from going bad if you have water sitting in there for a long time. Another piece of info is to keep it out of the sun light. Or use a Black tank. It will last forever.
  7. I agree. Dry Chillers are really great.
  8. Automation Direct is a great source for VFD's.
  9. I have about 30, 53 gallon bourbon and rye barrels for sale asking $100 each or $80 when you get 8 or more. FYI - 8 fit on a pallet FOB 50325 515-559-4879
  10. I have free 8 oz plastic bottles and flip top lids fo them. There are 2 boxes per pallet, 2000 per box, so 4000 per pallet, the box of caps is 4000 caps per box. I have 72,000 that I need gone. the thread is 28-410, but a 28-350 TE cap does fit on it just fine. FOB 50325 Clive, IOWA 515-559-4879 joseph@dehnerdistillery.com
  11. Does anyone know what is happening with the FET???? Do we have any feelers??
  12. I have bought about 300 barrels from MGP, only 1 has been bone dry.
  13. Hello, I have lots (30-40) of freshly dumped bourbon and rye barrels for sale. The size is 53 Gallon. Some have side bungs, some have top bungs. I am asking $100 each, or if you get a pallet of them (8 barrels) then the price would be $90 each. FOB 50325 Question please ask at 515-559-4879 joseph@dehnerdistillery.com Thank you. Joseph D.
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