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Artisan Still Design

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Everything posted by Artisan Still Design

  1. we've had someone come forward who wanted the still, and thwy are graciously allowing us to use it for the shows. but not to worry, if you've fallen in love with it, we can make another just for you. Steve
  2. you can do an electric boiler and use "Certified Green" electricity. there are a number of companies out there selling green power from wind farms.
  3. Hope you can make it out to the ADI or ACDA events, we'll be there with bells on.
  4. a little video of the installation of a 300 gallon series 2 system start to finish in 8 hours, with 3 guys, hand tools only. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=416001575201467
  5. the thumper does its magic by creating a thermal difference between the two stages. it is this difference that encouraged water to drop out of the vapor, and alcohol to continue. heating your thumper might not hurt for initial warm up, but I would shut the heat down once you're up to temp.
  6. Hey, Working towards my own Alberta Distillery. drop me a line sometime if you want to talk shop. Steve
  7. hey, not sure how far from Greenville SC you are, but you might be interested in Six and Twenty's distillery operations school. you can meet some folks from the next state over.
  8. I thought Your were calling her "Laka" after the Hawaiian goddess of love. or would that be seen as disrespectful to the people?
  9. maybe not 24 hours, but in the first part of the ferment, in order to promote yeast growth. if you took a molasses ferment and added a oxygen injection at a low constant rate, you would end up with an exceptionaly good yeast bloom, with very little alcohol. this is how yeast is propagated (perhaps much simplified) for breweries, bread and whiskey ferments.
  10. anerobic fermentation makes alcohol, in an aerobic environment yeast multiplies, no alcohol produced. plus you increase your chance of introducing an infection.
  11. Caribbean style double thumper will give you similar results to a 4 plate hybrid column still. while I am a pragmatist, I do love a good story, a traditional rum made in the traditional way would be very appealing to me. single run, first thumper preloaded with tails, second thumper preloaded with heads. should give you a very traditional Carribean style rum. but there are many ways to skin a cat, and you have to decide what sort of product you want to make, and your process should be set to accommodate that goal.
  12. Yes it can be done, I have several clients using this method, but you do need to be careful.
  13. You're right, I had forgotten about Vendome's unit. Most of their stuff is incredibly large but they do make a craft sized continuous system.
  14. be sure your column is sized appropriately for your charge volume. this can be the difference between a 4 hour run and a 12 hour run.
  15. now this is my personal opinion, most of my favorite bourbons are made on continuous stills. while some may use the term "Craft" in their marketing, I believe they are too big to call themselves craft. however there are very few craft distilleries that have continuous (production) distillation systems, because no one is marketing such a still currently.
  16. Looks Like he's reselling Still Dragon's bits and pieces with his own columns. drop Larry a line at Still Dragon, I'm sure he can get you sorted out.
  17. thats just cause a lot of stills look like R2D2.
  18. this unit will be available for sale after the spring conferences. two of our reps, In Washington state, and Missouri will be receiving almost identical units, one in steam and the other in electrically heated bain marie. so if you cant make the show, drop us a line, maybe you can visit one of the other distilleries getting one.
  19. as has become tradition (3 years makes for tradition doesn't it?) we build a brand new design for the spring conventions. this year is a significant departure from our previous design. this unit will be on display at the ADI and ACDA conventions this spring, after the Seattle event it will be available to take home (or ship home if you are so inclined.) features include: 150 gallon charge capacity steam jacketed heat 3hp agitator CIP recirculation system Full computer automation we're still tallying the costs on this unit, but drop us a line and we'll do our best to ballpark for you.
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