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Ceiling height

Dehner Distillery

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Hello, I am looking to produce a new continuous still line for the average distiller. This equipment is normally very tall. I would like to know what your "CLEAR" height is inside your distillery where you would put a still. 

We are thinking that the normal is 12' but please advise. We can always build in a kit to make it 10' with a kit to make it 12' or 14'......

The taller we can make it the better the performance. 

You can text or call if you have questions.


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Hey Dehner,

I would shoot for 16' personally.  Funny enough I don't have that much, but I would cut my floor and sink the column.  The footprint is so small this doesn't seem like a big deal.  Better to have better performance than try to shorten it too much.  That said, there is no way I would hit a 30' tall column in my location.




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Thank you very much for all of the replies.

FYI- I have a older continuous still I made 5 years ago that I operate, that is all self contained and 10 foot tall that will process 1 gpm @160 proof max. It was 14' at one time and would do over 190 proof. But I am doing all new designs so get ready for something much better.

As I said before, I am still building the big tall units. I am looking to build some easy turn key units. I can't wait to show you them.


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On 10/31/2017 at 2:49 PM, bierling said:

 How well do your small continuous stills deal with solids? 

We Have 2 models. One for solids and one for clear spirits.


On 12/21/2017 at 1:10 AM, Winnie the Pooh said:

You are not suggesting to do a pot still even planning is to make flavored spirits like grappa, brandy , whisky, rum, etc ?


What a great question. If you need to upgrade, upgrade to a simple continuous stripper and use your old pot still to finish the spirit. Don't get a massive pot still, continuous stills are so much faster and more efficient.

Just my thoughts.

On 9/27/2017 at 8:31 PM, Southernhighlander said:
On 9/27/2017 at 4:32 PM, bluefish_dist said:

We only have 12' and it makes a vodka column a challenge.  


We can do a split 20 plate vodka column, and make it fit in a 12' space.   We can split it into 3 columns, and put it under a 9' ceiling, no problem.

We can totally make a continuous still to work inside of 12'. Thats easy.

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